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They symbolize the circle of life since they bloom for only a short time until they are reincarnated again.

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Q: Why do Japanese like cherry blossoms?
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Are cherry blossoms Japanese?


What is the color of the Japanese cherry blossom?

Usually, Japanese cherry blossoms are pink or red

What is the difference between Japanese cherry blossoms and Chinese cherry blossoms?

the breed of tree. the fragrance and shape is slightly different too

Names of Japanese cherry blossoms?

Sakura is cherry blossom.桜の花is the Japanese letter translation.

What is the Japanese cherry blossom?

The Japenese celebrate when the cherry blossoms come out. It is usally in April time

What does sakura mean to naruto?

Sakura means "cherry blossoms" in Japanese.

Do cherrys grow on Japanese cherry blossoms?

No, it's a type of tree with a flower not a type of cherry tree.

Did cherry blossoms come from china?

no they came from japan, and in Japanese the word sakura means cherry blossom :)

Do Japanese cherry blossoms die in the winter?

Cherry blossoms are the flowers of the Prunus tree. They only flower for a short time in Spring to allow for pollination then they die . The tree does not.

Special adaptation for Japanese cherry blossom?

Japanese Cherry Blossoms adapt by having pollen on their petals when they fall so insects can help reproduce

How does the word sakura looks like in Japanese?

'Sakura,' referring to cherry blossoms, can be written: 桜

What are the words to sakura?

"Sakura" is a traditional Japanese folk song that celebrates cherry blossoms. The lyrics typically reflect on the beauty and fleeting nature of the cherry blossoms, symbolizing the transience of life itself. The song's lyrics often focus on themes such as love, loss, and the passage of time.