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This custom is hundreds of years old. It's purpose is to symbolize the couple's new life together in their future home.

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Q: Why do Jews marry under a chuppah?
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Can Jews marry Hawaiian Style?

Yes. They can wear leis on their heads and around their necks while standing under the chuppah.

What do Jews get married in?

They stand under a chuppah (canopy) that has 4 poles.

Can Jews have mass weddings?

Since Jews stand under the chuppah (marriage canopy), you'll need lots of them - 1 for each couple, but it's not impossible.

Can Jews marry without a huppah if one is not available?

The public part of a Jewish wedding ceremony requires a chuppah. This does not have to be a formal structure though. All that is required is a piece of fabric that is supported at its four corners. Many people have close friends or family members hold a tallit over them as their chuppah.

Why does a Jewish wedding take place under a Chuppah?

The Chuppah symbolizes the house that the couple will build their future in.

What is the meaning of an arch at a wedding?

The wedding arch or arbor, chuppah is meant to replace the alter when a couple chooses to marry outside. It is a long standing Jewish tradition that the marring couple have something to kiss under. The Chuppah, arbor, arch fall into play and take the place of the alter inside a church or Temple.

What is a Jewish huppah?

it's a wedding ceremony. The chuppah itself is what the bride and groom stand under, but most people call the ceremony itself a chuppah

Can a divorced daughter of a Cohen marry a divorced man under the chuppah?

I am not a Jewish law decider but I will say what I think is true: 1. The chuppah is irrelevant - if they can get married they can get married anywhere and if they cant get married they cannot get married anywhere. 2. The restrictions of who a Cohen can marry only apply to a male Cohen, not female. Thus she can marry a divorced man and may they be blessed with children and happiness, and may all people find someone to live out their days happily with.

What does the chuppah in a Jewish wedding symbolize?

The wedding chuppah is a special canopy that wedding couples stand under in a Jewish wedding ceremony. It symbolizes their future privacy of their new home.

What do the bride and groom stand under in a Jewish wedding?

At a Jewish wedding the groom stands next to the bride, on her left; both of them facing Jerusalem.

Why weren't the Jews allowed to marry?

Jews were always allowed to marry, but not always able to practice their faith.

What are the wedding traditions for chuppah?

A Chuppah is basically a canopy for a Jewish couple to be married under. It usually would have a cloth, sheet, or a tallit streched on four poles or sometimes just held up by people. A Jewish couple would conduct their ceremony under this canopy which sympolizes the home they will build together.