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Q: Why do Lime Trees live in the deciduous forest?
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How are koalas adapted to the deciduous forest?

They're not. Koalas do not live in the deciduous forest. They live in eucalyptus bushland, which is evergreen. Eucalyptus trees, on which koalas feed, do not lose their leaves.

Is the deciduous desert a temperate desert?

Deciduous generally refers to a forest in a region that has four distinct seasons and not to deserts. There are, however, come deciduous trees that live in deserts.,

Does a giraffe live in the deciduous forest?

black rhinoceros do not live in deciduous forest

Do cedar trees live in the temperate deciduous forest?

yes many times they are found in the taiga biome

Do oak trees and pine trees live in the deciduous forets?

Both oak and pine trees can live in a deciduous forest. All oak trees are considered a deciduous plant. Pine trees are conifers and mostly not deciduous however there are a few genera that are (Larix, Pseudolarix, Glyptostrobus, Metasequoia and Taxodium). (

Do wolves live in the deciduous forest?

No they prefer wide open places

What are some of the biotics in a deciduous forest?

Some biotics in the deciduous forest are the animals that live there

What biome does the trillium flower live in?

the temperate deciduous forest or just deciduous forest

How is the conifer forest and the deciduous forest the same?

yes,the rain fall, the temperature and animals that live there

Why can't other plants live in the deciduous forest?

Plants that live in the deciduous forest have special adaptations that allow them to live there. Other plants do not have these adaptations.

Who discovered deciduous forest?

Well the deciduous forest is where we live as so its basically found by people or explorers

Why is temperate forest called deciduous forest?

The temperate deciduous forest is a forest in the temperate zone of the world . It contains over 66 percent of the worlds species. You can find out more about and what the temperate deciduous forest on it is simply only a click away! LOL!!