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Q: Why do Many animals use scent to?
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What do dogs use their noses for?

Dogs use their noses for smelling like people do, although a dog's sense of smell is much better than a human's. They can differentiate the scent of many different dogs when just smelling a single tree and can detect a scent from much further away than humans and many other animals.

Where do animals urinate?

Animals urinate wherever they happen to be - they don't have bathrooms.Sometimes animals will use urine as a scent marker to let other animals know they are in that area - in this case, they will urinate on trees and rocks to mark their territory.

What two characteristics do flowers use to attract insects or other animals to pollinate them?

Food and shelter are two characteristics which flowers use to attract pollinating animals, especially insects. Food is offered through nectar and pollen, and shelter is supplied to insects that need to lay eggs in safety.

What animal sprays its scent on trees?

Most animals leave a scent to let other animals know it is their territory. Dogs, cats, bears, tigers, all leave a scent of some sort.

Why do some animals eat feces?

To cover up their own scent or to remove the scent of other animals.

Do all animals have the ability to scent track?

yes I think

Why do the Brazilian butterfly have the smell of chocolate?

The Brazilian butterfly has a smell of chocolate because that is their signature scent. Most animals have a signature scent.

It marks a trail by leaving its scent?

Ants are known to mark their trail so that other ants may follow: you might call it pheromonal warfare. Many animals mark "their territory" by leaving a scent, but ants mark their trail.

How do squirrels depend on foxes?

Squirrels perceive foxes as a higher threat than other large animals and may use a fox's scent as a form of protection.

What can Deer Scent be used as?

One can use Deer Scent for help with hunting. They use the deer scent to coax a deer into coming near where they are. For this to work properly, one must be as scent free as possible, or the deer will smell the human as well.

Do bobcats use urine?

Bobcats use urine to mark their territory. The strong scent serves as notice to other animals, including other bobcats, that the area they are in belongs to the cat who has sprayed its urine there.

Do toads give off a toxic scent that is poisonous to other animals?
