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The simple answer is osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water from a dilute solution to a more concentrated solution through a semi-permeable membrane*. Any animal in freshwater has a higher concentration of dissolved substances in its cells than the surrounding water. A Paramecium is enclosed by a semi-permeable cell membrane, which lets water in but prevents most dissolved substances leaking out. Under these conditions osmosis will occur and the cell will gain water. To prevent itself swelling up and bursting Paramecium has a contractile vacuole, a structure in the cell which fills up with water and periodically expells it back into the surroundings. * The semi-premeable membrane is also called partially permeable or selectively permeable, which all mean basically the same thing.

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14y ago
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13y ago

paramecium are able because this is Akeem and if my classmates look at this STOP CHEATING LOOK AT YOUR NOTES

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10y ago

So that Osmoregulation occurs which is the control of water balance for adaptation in such environment

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12y ago

because it does

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it is akeem

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Q: Why do Paramecium need to remove water?
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Why would a Paramecium need to remove water?

the pine school won 3 to 0

How does a paramecium get water?

Paramecia live in water so they don't need to "get" it except by sucking some in if they happen to need any.

How does the concractile vacuole in a paramecium help maintain homeostasis?

They arf type of excretory organell.They remove excess water from cell.

Where does paramecium grow?

the paramecium lives in pond water and creeks sometimes.

Suppose the paramecium were placed in a container of sea water what would you observe?

Usually, the paramecium used in a study like this are freshwater. Because the water inside the paramecium has a lower salt concentration, it moves out and shrivels the paramecium up, drying it out.

Do paramecium use chlorophyll?

Plants and algae cells have chloroplasts, photosynthesis is conducted in chloroplasts. Paramecium do not photosynthesize they get their food from the water they live in. So they do not need chloroplasts.

What would happen to the paramecium if the water-expelling vesicle stopped working?

The paramecium would eventually die because the paramecium wouldn't get any water and without the water-expelling vesicle the paramecium can't get the water out without getting other bacterias while doing so.

Do paramecium need sun light?


Why is a contractile vacuole important to paramecium?

Water is constantly coming down it's concentrations gradient and osmotically entering the paramecium's cell. The cell would soon burst if there were not a way to offload much of this water, so contractile vacuoles do this job for the paramecium.

The paramecium and water mold are in the kingdom?

protista :)

If a paramecium were to swim from a hypotonic environment to an isotonic one would the activity of its contractile vacuole increase or decrease?

The activity of the contractile vacoule would decrease. While in the hypotonic solution, water was moving into the paramecium because it had a higher solute concentration that the solution that it was in and water follows solute. So, the isotonic solution would contain the same solute concentration as the paramecium so there would be no net water movement. Therefore, the contractile vacoule would decrease in its activity because there would be no water entering or exiting the paramecium.

Do paramecium have cell walls?

Paramecium is single celled.