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To differentiate between Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Assyrian Church of the East one would use Roman Catholic.

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Q: Why do Protestants continue to call the Catholic Church by the name Roman Catholic Church even though Catholics consider this a religious slur?
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Do Protestants consider themselves to be better than Catholics?

Well that would depend on who you ask. Some Protestants would consider themselves to be better than Catholics but other Protestants would not. That said, most Protestant churches do believe that their doctrines are better than the doctrines of the Catholic Church. In other words, some Protestants believe that their doctrine is true but the Catholic Church's same doctrine on said topic is false incorrect in a not totally false way so in one sense, some Protestant churches do believe that they are better than Catholic churches but when it comes to individual Protestants versus individual Catholics, it varies from person to person.

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There's no such thing. It's Brits versus Irish. Irish mostly Catholic, Brits mostly Protestant, although many, many, many Protestants consider themselves Irish.

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Most Catholics think of the Pope as their Holy Father, Christ's vicar on Earth, the heir of Saint Peter and the head of their Church. Most Protestants think of the Pope as the crowning symbol of Catholicism's apostasy from the anti-establishment teaching of Jesus. You don't ask about Orthodox Christians, most of whom consider both Protestants and Catholics to be pagans.

Evangelical roman Catholic church?

The term Evangelical Catholic is used by Christians who consider themselves both "catholic" and "evangelical." Evangelical Catholic (catholic is the noun with evangelical modifying) can refer to: evangelical Protestant Christians who consider themselves catholic Christians that identify with the historic Christian Church, who believe that the early ecumenical councils and the Protestant Reformation were both part of the progressive illumination of the Holy Spirit; Roman Catholics who want to identify themselves more closely with evangelical Protestants with similar ecumenical ideals and "progressive illumination"; Catholics who simply want to define themselves according to a penchant for evangelism. Evangelical Catholics may include Eastern Rite Catholic Churches or other churches that are not Roman Catholic, such as Anglican, Lutheran, Reformed, Baptist, or Pentecostal.

What is a Catholic blessing of non Catholic marriage?

Catholics do not recognize non-catholic marriages as blessed or sacramental. Which sounds bad, but no other churches besides the Anglicans, Catholics, and Orthodox consider marriage a sacrament anyway.

Are Catholics considered to be a subgroup of Christians?

Of course Catholics consider themselves to be Christians. After all, they were the original Christian Church.Roman Catholic AnswerThe question should be: can anyone who is not Catholic consider themselves a Christian? And the answer would be, anyone who is validly baptised and believes in the Nicene Creed in its original interpretation is a Christian, because they are part of the Catholic Church. The current usage where almost anyone can call themselves a "Christian" is to be deplored as to do that they are redefining who our Blessed Lord was and is, in His Mystical Body, which is the Catholic Church.

What age do sins start for Catholics?

.Catholic AnswerAt the age of reason, usually consider around eight.

Do catholics see Muslims as true believers?

Of course not. Catholics consider Muslims unbelievers. All religious believers will consider themselves as true believers. However, Muslims don't consider Catholics, or Christians in general, unbelievers. Muslims consider Christians (as Jews) people of the book because Musilms believe in the holy books of the Bible and the Torah.

Why do people go to Vatican City for pilgrimages?

The Vatican is the location of the governing body of the Roman Catholic Church, including the Pope and a rather extensive ecclesiatical bureaucracy. Catholics consider this to be holy and therefore are interested in visiting it.

What is the difference between the Lutheran Bible and the catholic Bible?

Lutheran Bible has 66 books and Catholic Bible has 73 books. There is no difference in the New Testament of Catholics and Lutheran. However, Catholics consider 7 more books as divine in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Did the Catholics consider themselves separatists?

.Catholic AnswerBy no means, Catholics consider themselves, or should consider themselves as leaven in the world, they are called by Our Blessed Savior to preach their faith at all times, and, if necessary, use words. See St. Matthew 13:33 and following. They are called to be in the world, not of it.