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Republicans, mostly the ones that are wealthy, don't like labor unions because the labor unions demand for respect, more/better pay, and equality. This undermines the certain Republican's ability to receive donations from wealthy CEOs because they have to pay more to their employees because of the labor unions.

I must be a democrat. :0

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Q: Why do Republicans hate unions?
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How Republicans view labor unions?

Republicans are generally very anti-union as they see them as a threat to business. Most of the damage done to unions in the US has been a direct result of policies enacted by the Republican party.

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It's because they hate America.

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You are assuming that is true without proof of the truth of the statement. It ignores that many Republicans ARE women, and that someone is attempting to control how you think.

Why are the Democrats against the unions?

For the most part, it is the Republicans who oppose the unions. In the US, Republicans tend to support individual rights more, while Democrats tend to support group rights more. Unions divide people up into groups. Republicans tend to believe each person should take care of themselves, and that most will be able to if the government doesn't take what they earn and waste or give to others. Union workers, while they tend to get higher wages than nonunion workers, they also have to pay extensive dues, membership is often compulsory, and the dues often go to support agendas that Republicans tend to disagree with.

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well republicans lie and they totaly hate democrats. they want more for rich people and nothing for poor people. so they are not nice. some are.

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No he does not want school on Saturdays this is another lie the republicans made up to make you hate him.

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Yes. The Republicans introduced just such a bill in April 2013. Democrats accused the Republicans of trying to derail the pending same-sex marriage bill.

You like bikes?

Yes, I do like bikes. Some people do not like bikes. Here are a few pages about people who do not like bikes: "Why do republicans(American right-wingers) hate bikes so much?" people who don't like bikes on sidewalks: Hope that helps.