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to plant properly for the harvesting machinery. Otherwise you will waste part of your crop as the combines wont be able to funnel it into their machinery.

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Q: Why do a ploughman's furrows need to be straight?
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Do microfilaments form cleavage furrows?

Microfilaments form cleavage furrows, which are indentations of a cell's surface. These furrows aid in the final separation of a cell into two identical daughter cells.

Furrows in a sentence?

People dug furrows to make it a long narrow groove.

What are the ridges and the furrows of a cerebral cortex?

The ridges and furrows in the cerebral cortex are actually folds. The 'furrows' are called sulci and the 'bumps' are called gyri.

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dont try and feed it pokeblocks. try a ploughmans lunch.

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ploughmans lunch

What is the furrows role?

It depends on what kind of furrow. Deep furrows are typically just a side effect of tillage operations. Medium furrows can be used for irrigation or guiding a farm implement. Shallow furrows might be used to plant seeds in, or to apply fertilizer. There are nearly as many purposes for furrows as there are types of farming.

What is better botox or restylane for wrinkles?

You may need both Botox to relax the muscles which cause the wrinkles and Restylane to fill furrows and grooves.

What do you call the furrows of the brain?

The "furrows" are called sulcisulcus-(singular) /sul·cus/ (sul´kus) pl. sul´ci[L.] a groove, trench, or furrow; in anatomy, a general term for such a depression, especially one on the brain surface, separating the gyri.

Used for making furrows or weeding?

soil, sunlight, water,

What machine makes small furrows and sows seeds in them?


In the process of cytokinesis cleavage furrows are associated with what cell?

Animal cells!

What are the furrows of the brain called?

A sulcus is a depression or fissure in the surface of the brain.