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Because it's different from theirs and beyond TV and movies they don't hear it often.

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Q: Why do americans like the british accent?
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Why dont Americans have an accent?

Everyone has an accent, including Americans. The perception that Americans do not have an accent is because American English is often considered the standard or "neutral" accent in certain contexts. Different regions within the United States, however, have various accents and dialects.

How did Americans get their accent?

American accents evolved from various influences, including British, Irish, Scottish, German, Dutch, and Native American languages. Over time, the interaction of these linguistic backgrounds, as well as regional influences and migrations, led to the diverse range of accents found in the United States today.

What is Robbie Williams accent?

I don't believe he has the real British accent. In many words he pronounces sounds like Americans do (e.g. "either").

Why do Americans like the English accent so much?

This is really more of a generalization or stereotype. Some Americans like the standard English accent and some do not. Just as some Brits like the American accent, and some do not.You simply cannot make the blanket statement that Americans like the English accent.

Why do British people think Americans have accents?

Americans do have accents, British people do have accents. When one has a different way of speaking than another then it is noticed. When a British person hears an American person speaking, the American does have an accent to the Brit.AnswerEveryone has an accent! That's how British people know that you are Americans, and how you know that theyare British! Strange question!!

Was the American or the British accent the original English accent?

The British accent was the original although accents slowly change with time.It is interesting to note, however, that the original British accent was more like the modern-day American accent, and research has shown that it is the British accent which has evolved more since colonisation of North America. Originally, both the British and Americans spoke with a rhotic accent. Rhoticessentially means an accent where the letter 'r' is pronounced strongly after a vowel. Rhotic accents are strong in both the US and Scotland, but seem to have disappeared from British English and its derivatives, such as Australian and New Zealand English.

Why can't Americans say 'Harry'?

If you have a british accent, we Americans think you say "harry" funny also.

Why do Americans hate the British accent?

It's not accurate to say that Americans universally hate the British accent. Some Americans may find certain British accents difficult to understand or associate them with negative stereotypes, but others find them charming or sophisticated. Accents are subjective and can be influenced by personal experiences and cultural perceptions.

Did Sherlock Holmes have a British accent?

Of course he has an accent. Everyone has an accent. To Americans, he has a British accent. To British people, he speaks normally.

What is the the traditional accent of Colonial America?

It would most likely be a British accent because during that time Americans were migrating to America (to be)

What do Americans think of the British accent?

Many Americans find the British accent charming, sophisticated, and classy. It is often associated with intelligence and authority due to historical connotations and its use in broadcasting and entertainment media. However, opinions may vary among individuals.

Does Robert Patinson have a British accent?

Being British he has a British accent.