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Q: Why do astronauts experience weightlessness on the space shuttle even though gravity is still acting on them?
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by eating and digesting

What are two ways astronauts on the space shuttle combat the effects of weightlessness?

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Through the work done by astronauts during shuttle missions scientists learn the effects of weightlessness on?

on humans

Through the work done by astronauts during shuttle missions scientist learn the effects of weightlessness on?

The effects of weightlessness on humans is explored during the work done by astronauts. This helps with advancements in medical and technological fields.

Are astronauts weightless during the Shuttle's launch?

Noop. In fact, as the Shuttle is accelerating, the astronauts are experiencing not only the pull of gravity, but also the acceleration of the rocket. For the comfort of the crew, they try to keep the excess gravity to about 4 G, basically 4 times the pull of gravity. Only after the engines have stopped, and the shuttle is no longer accelerating, will the astronauts feel weightless, as the Shuttle and astronauts are all falling around the Earth at the same speed.

Are astronauts weightless in a space shuttle during the launch?

No, quite the opposite. They experience up to three times the normal force of gravity during the launch.

How do astronauts shower on the space shuttle?

need gravity and you wash off with a wet washcloth