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First, you need to learn what the word theory means to a scientist.

Simplified, it's a way of thought that's been tested,

What you mean is a hypothesis---or just some guy's weird idea.. with no proof.

Second, most atheists have read the bible, many have read The Bhagavad Gita, the Quran, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and assorted other religious texts. They have decided that all of them are just Fairy Tales.

Unfortunately, there is no more (scientific, that is, reproducible) evidence that God doesn't exist than there is that He does.

AnswerThe first poster did well. In summary, who pointed out (in science) a "theory" carries far more weight than a mere fact. A fact is just something that happens. A theory is something which can reliably predict facts time after time after time. It takes a lot to become a theory, and it is the highest level you can get in science. The word means something very different from Columbo stumbling into a room and muttering "I have a theory.."

Nobody would ever claim that a theory is *always* right. Technically, a theory has always been right so far. if it is ever wrong, then it gets changed or even abandoned altogether. A famous example if the Theory of Gravity, by Sir Isaac newton. It's wrong. We know it is wrong. Einstein's theory said it would be wrong, and the facts (which turned up later) showed that Einstein was more reliable than Newton. So anyone who tells you that theories are always correct is simply wrong. They aren't: even the big, famous ones. Newton is still used, though, because his equations are easier to work out. And putting a satellite within a few metres is good enough for NASA, as long as they aim for a big, flat area.

What you are probably asking is why scientists say that theories are more reliable than the Bible. The answer is fairly simple: Theories have been tried again and again and always turned up correct (or have been modified or abandonded). The Bible gives you rules to sell your daughter into sexual slavery (Leviticus); allows you to kill people for having the wrong hairstyle (Leviticus again); condones genocide, rape, and child murder (Exodus and lots of other places).

Limiting ourselves to the New Testament, the bible contradicts itself all over the place. Answer me this: did Mary see an angel remove the stone from the tomb of Jesus? Read all four gospels. You cannot give me a yes or no answer. In fact, you cannot even combine those accounts into one story which includes everything the gospels mention and doesn't contradict itself.

Which would you prefer scientists followed? Ideas which have been repeatedly shown to be correct-or a book which contradicts itself and condones genocide?

As Penn and Teller said: read the Bible. Seriously. Sit down and read it. We need more atheists. And there's nothing so likely to create an atheist than reading the Bible. Cover to cover. Please. Go do it.

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Q: Why do atheists say a theory is always right how can it be science if they did not even read the bible?
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