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If you have children that like to be nosy you want to keep it in a high safe place so children dont get it in their eyes etc.

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Q: Why do bases and acids have to be kept in a safe place?
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Is it safe to dispose acids and bases into the local water?

Generally, no.

Why can't you store acids and bases together?

If acids and bases were not stored separately they would react with each other in a process known as neutralization.

Why are bases bitter?

Yes, bases taste bitter. Acids taste sour.

What if a duck does not sit on egg?

The egg will die if not kept warm in a safe place.

What is a whale sanctuary?

It is a place where Whales are protected and kept safe from foreign hunters.

Why is it dangerous to taste acids and bases?

Acids and bases can have extreme pH ranges, making it dangerous to taste them. The pH scale is a measure of how acidic or basic a solution is; acids can have a pH of 0-7, while bases range from 7-14. Your mouth is 'neutral', meaning it has a pH of 7. If you put strong acids or bases (pH very low or very high on the scale) in your mouth, where the environment is neutral, the acid or base will harm your mouth. However, some acids such as vinegar and basic foods like watermelon and asparagus are safe to eat, because they are not strong enough to harm your body.

What are the general principles of stock control?

to stock products in a safe and convinient place for were the stock should be kept

How is a baby kept safe before it is born?

If the baby is not kept safe the baby will die

What kept Memphis safe from the Nile floods?

What kept Memphis safe from the Nile flood

What is a place where chicks are kept is called?

The place where chickens are kept is called a coop. Chickens need shelter and a place to roost/ sleep that is out of the weather and safe from predators. Chicken quickly learn where this safe home is and will gather as a flock just after dusk, free range chickens will spend the night in the coop and emerge at dawn looking for food.

Is acid safe?

Some acids are safe and some acids aren't safe. A few safe acids would be lemon juice, and orange juice. A more dangerous acid is hydrochloric acid. Though it is located in the stomach it is still dangerous without the proper protection.

Why are acids in food safe to eat?

The acids found in foods, such as citric acid and lactic acid, are safe to eat because they are components of the foods, and the foods are safe to eat.