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Batteries are used to store electrical energy. So when you put batteries into a remote control then the remote control uses that electrical energy to preform an action such as, changing the channel.

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11y ago

A battery causes electrons to move from the negative to the positive battery terminal. As the electrons move, they lose energy.

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Q: Why do batteries run down?
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Why do batteries rundown?

batteries run down because people use it to much

What are some things that will shorten the life of a car battery?

The main thing that will shorten a automobile battery life is to run it completely down. Auto batteries are not designed to be run flat as deep cycle batteries are. Every time it is run down it's life is shortened.

Do car batteries run out?

Yes,they do. and if a cars' batteries run out you have to get a new one.

Can you run dual batteries on an 1985 f150 XL?

yes. you can run dual batteries

How does it effect a battery to drain it?

Every time you run an automobile battery down, you cut the life of the battery. These batteries are not designed to be run down. They are designed to hold a charge continuously. Run the battery down three or four times and you will ruin the battery.

Do the old game boys run on batteries?

Yes, they run on more 4-AA batteries. -brett

Why do the batteries in GM vehicles run down so often?

not all gm vehicles have this problem i would say that you have a draw

Do Angry Birds batteries ever run out?

Angry Birds batteries do not run out on the game you will have unlimited batteries for your birds but you only have a certain amount of birds to use!

Do any registers run on batteries for working at outdoor sales?

There are new registers that can run on both batteries and electricity.

Why do batteries have an expiration date?

batteries get experation dates because they run out of power.

What do batteries run on?

Chemical energy.

Are there any portable tvs that run on batteries?

Most portable TVs have the option to run the machine on batteries, Modern portable televisions are LCD and thus able to run off batteries for quite a long time before they die.