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The smaller the surface area the higher the pressure so vice versa

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Q: Why do big strings make low sounds Why do small strings make higher sounds?
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How do the strings effect pitch on an instrument?

the different tautness helps make different sounds like a guitar. tighter strings = higher sound

Do Thick strings make higher or lower sounds?

The Thick Tring Makes Lower sound by the Vibration, That goes Slower.

What sounds does a violin make?

It sounds like a cello, only higher pitched.

How does a harp make a noise?

a harp makes a noise from the strings when you pluck them. This happens because of the vibrating. It also matters about the size of the strings because the different sizes make many diffrent sounds. The shorter strings make higher piched notes whereas the longer ones make lower pitched notes.

How do you make a string vibrate quickly?

Shorter strings vibrate at a higher frequency than longer strings.

What is an example of a keyboard instrument that produces its sound from struck strings?

The best known example of this is simply the piano. The sound produced by a piano is made by the action of small felt hammers which strike the strings.

How does a shamisen make different sounds?

By applying pressure to the strings along the neck of the instrument with your fingers, and plucking the strings with a pick along the body of the instrument.

How does a cello make sound?

the vibrations from drawing the bow along the strings get turned into sounds inside the cello and come out the"f" shaped holes

How would you change the length of a string to create a higher pitch?

Shorten the string. Shorter strings make higher pitches (e.g. violin); longer strings make lower pitches (e.g. double bass).

What happens when you tighten the stringson a dotar?

the pitch of the string goes higher. if it doesn't, then either something's wrong with said guitar, or I'm wrong and you should go ask Albert Einstein or your guitar teacher or someone who's smart.

Do the center strings on a guitar make a higher or lower pitch than the outside strings?

well, the center stings are in the middle of the pitch. The ones above it (nearer your head as you play) are lower. The ones beow it are higher.

How do you make high sounds and low sounds on a violin?

| To make higher pitched sounds you place your fingers further away from the scroll, which is also nearer to your chin. These are usually the fingers of the left hand.,, Tom play lower pitched notes you place your finger tips onto the string nearer to the scroll. The scroll is that "curly" end of the violin close to the pegs which can be turned tighter or looser to "tune" the strings to their correct pitch.