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takes more energy to move a larger mass

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Q: Why do bigger people burn more calories?
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How can you get fatter?

You would have to consume more calories per day then you lose in a day.ex: If you eat 5000 calories and you only burn 4500 then you would be consuming more calories and slowly it will add up and you will get bigger.

Can you burn calories from the day before?

yes, this is how people lose weight. you burn more calories than you intake, which means since there are no more calories to burn of this day, they take those that are stored (or from the days/time before today) and burn those. to lose weight.

Is wearing more clothes when you exercise burn more calories?

Depends if the clothe is hot it will burn more calories but if its normal clothe it won't burn alot of calories.

Which juices burn more calories?

Juices don't burn calories.

In which exercise you burn more calories?

athletics would be the strong sport to doand you will burn more calories

If a thin person and a obese person are working at the same rate who will burn more calories?

The Obese person because people who are obese sweat more than thin people. So the obese person will burn more calories.Fat doesnt burn calories, therefore it doesnt matter if you are obesse or slim, the amount of calories you burn isn't influenced by the amount of excess fat you have. What matters is the amount of muscle MASS a person has, muscle tissue takes more calories to maintain, so the person with the higher muscle MASS will be burning the more calories..But metabolism also plays a role (the SPEED at which you burn calories) and is influenced by Aerobic Fitness and Genetics to a certain extent to, these two factors especially will decide which one will burn the more calories, when two people are working at the same rate.

How many calories on average does a woman 5'7'' tall burn walking 100 steps?

It depends on how much you weight. Heavier people require more energy to move and thus burn more calories than thinner people.

How many calories do you burn automatically a day?

It depends on the person ranging from a very inactive to a very active. In addition, the taller the person, and the more muscle they have, the more calories they will burn naturally. People who are constantly active and eat a healthy diet will naturally burn more calories.

Do you burn more calories with ac on or off?

OFF! -Burn more calories by sweating them out... sorry, but that's the truth.

How many calories do you burn doing jack hammers?

depends on how many obviously the more you do the more calories you burn

Do you burn more calories playing on the computeror watching tv?

You burn more calories playing on the computer than watching TV. Both burn very few calories, though.

Do you burn more calories running outside or on a treadmill?

For most people the calories would be very close to the same. Remember when you are on a treadmill you don't have the wind resistance to deal with. This could cause a slight difference in calorie burn, making running outside burn a few more calories.