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They bully you because maybe there parents are bullies so there bullying other people.

Bullies "bully" others as a means to "relieve stress." They make other people miserable because they, themselves, are miserable. Perhaps their parents didn't care for them or nurture them like they should have, or some traumatic event happened in their lives to make them miserable and decide to take their frustrations out on other people. Bullies typically target people that, in a sense, have problems (i.e. mental retardation {no offense to anyone}, overachievers, or bookworms and/or nerds {again, no offense. I am merely stating psychological fact}). They bully is your typical emotionally deprived trouble child. The bully makes others feel bad about themselves in order to make their own selves feel better.

This may sound like a lot, but trust me, it isn't. The above "definition" only begins to scratch the surface into a bully's psychological behaviour. It would be impossible for me to describe the modi operandi of bullies, for I have limited knowledge in the subject myself. I would have to major in psychology in order to give you the full explanation, and I have only taken general psychology in college so far. Plus, my major is in computers, not mental behaviour of humans.

Source: Was a victim myself to several bullies, and took one course of General Psychology in college.

Because they are unstable about themselves. If you are bullied, think nothing of it and remind yourself they are obviously insecure.

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The plural of 'Bully' is 'Bullies'.

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Many people bully but that's no the point people bully to usually get their anger out on others by being mean. Bullies usually become bullies because of what happens at home. To read more go to related links.

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Bullies are generally people that pick on others due to there own insecurities

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Plural form of bully?
