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cause that's what they do

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Q: Why do butterflies only lay eggs on milkweed leaves?
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How is the milkweed important to butterflies?

I am growing Milkweed , and Monarch butterflies will only lay her eggs on them because monarch caterpillas can only eat this type of plant. :) I hope I helped everyone with this question :) Anymore question inbox me on facebook : Gustav V-Sloan

Does the milkweed plant and the monarch caterpillar depend on each other?

Monarch butterflies will only lay their eggs on milkweed because it is their hostplant. A hostplant is the plant that the caterpillar will eat when it hatches from its egg. So, the monarch caterpillar will only eat milkweed, and the monarch butterfly will only lay its eggs on milkweed. The monarch depends in the milkweed, the milkweed does not depend on the monarch butterflies.

Do monarch butterflies always lay their eggs on milkweed plants?

A monarch caterpillar will look for milk weed, once it finds one it will eat from it. That's how they get their poison. When they come out of their chrysalis they will fly around and every once in a while land on a milk eed and possibly spend a few minutes to a few hours on it. Monarch butterflies will eat milk weed too.

What flowers do monarch butterflies not like?

What plants Monarch butterflies do not like is not all that important, though no specific plants that they do not like are known. The most important thing is that they not only like, but need specific kinds of milkweed for their survival. They lay their eggs on milkweed and the caterpillars feed on the plant.

How do butterflies take care of their offspring?

Butterflies do not care for their young as other animals do. They lay eggs on plants that their offspring can eat and that is the end of their care. Blue Morpho butterflies lay eggs on several plants including the pea plant family the caterpillars prefer.

Can butterfly eggs hatch on flower petals?

Butterflies lay their eggs on plants. Some are very particular which plant they lay their eggs on. Monarchs only lay their eggs on milkweed plants. They are more likely to lay the eggs on a leaf since there are other insects that may be visiting the flowers.

Are milkweed flowers rare?

Thanks to Monsanto and their product Round Up, milkweed are a lot more rare than they used to be. Many garden clubs are planting milkweed to help keep the monarch butterflies who have caterpillars that only live on milkweed.

Do Monarch Butterflies live in Swan Plants?

The monarch butterfly must lay their eggs on milkweed plants (Asclepias ), and the swan plant is listed on wikipedia as a type of milkweed. Most plants in the milkweed family produce flowers which the monarch can feed on. The caterpillars of the monarch butterfly can only eat leaves from plants in the milkweed family and will die without this food source. The milkweed plant is known for it's white milky sap, which contains alkaloids, latex, and several other complex compounds including cardenolides. Some species are known to be toxic. The caterpillars are immune to the milkweed sap and actually make themselves poisonous by eating it. The butterfly retains the milkweed poison as a defense against predators. Both the monarch caterpillars and the monarch butterflies use bright color patterns as a warning that they are dangerous to eat.

What flowers do Monarch butterflies like?

Monarch Butterflies especially like the following plants and flowers:Spider Milkweed (Asclepias viridis) - Butterflies lay their eggs on Milkweed and caterpillars eat only milkweed. Monarch butterflies need Milkweed to survive, but people treat it as a weed.Chives (Allium schoenoprasum)Siberian Wallflower (Erysimum x marshallii)May Night Salvia (Salvia x superba 'Mainacht')Native flowering plantsSome tips:Plant flowers that bloom at different times throughout the spring and summer so there will be continuous blooms.Do not use insecticidesProvide places, like flat stones, for the butterflies to rest in the sun.Provide a space for "puddling" and provide drinking water.For more information visit:

Do mail butterflies lay eggs?

No, the male flies do not lay eggs. Female flies are larger than male flies. The female flies lay over 900,000 eggs during their lifespan.

Do butterflies live on land?

They sometimes descend on to plants on the ground to feed- at night time they will sleep in the shelter of plant or tree leaves, and also lay their eggs there. Average lifespan of a butterfly is only about 3 days- the eggs they lay hatch into caterpillars, which when developed pupate into butterflies.

How is milkweed important to butterflies?

because there is nutrians and because greens are good for animal and humans