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Car honks sound like beep beep because the purpose of car honks is to gain attention. The beep beep is just one sound that grabs peoples' attention when one needs it in the car.

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Q: Why do car honks sound like beep beep?
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What is an onomotopea?

A word that suggests the source of the sound that it describes. Like beep beep for the horn of a car.

What are sounds that an old car makes?

the sound that old cars make are like beep beep and (farts noises or rubles)

the sound a car horn makes?


What does it mean when a guy honks his car horn at you?

When a guy honks his car at you and if he knows you it could be a form of just letting you know he saw you and it is like saying 'hi.' If you don't know the guy and he honks his horn at you it could mean he thinks you are pretty.

Is it possible to increase the speed at which your car alarm horn honks?

Tighten the screw on the back or side of the horn. That increases the sound.

What is a onomatopoiea?

An onomatopoeia is using sound words to describe something ex. "the car went beep beep! when my mom drove up"

What sound does a semi truck horn make Beep beep is a car horn A little help here Thanks?

A big long loudHONK!

What sound does a semi truck make if you were going to write it down. Beep beep is what sound i think a car makes. A little help here. Thanks.?

I think it should be vroom vroom. There are several onomatopoeias for it.

What is wrong with a car that honks by itself?

Short to ground.

What are the different definitions and usages for the word Beep?

The word beep is defined as a short, often high pitched sound. It usually refers to the sound that a car horn or other type of horn emits. It can also be used to describe the sound that an answering machine makes just before it begins recording a message. The word beep can be used as a noun or a verb.

Where is the horn relay located on this car?

A good way to fine the horn relay if you dont have a manual is to pull the wire on the horn then have somewon press the horn button .... beep beep beep you will hear a clicking sound which will help you locate the relay

How long do you have to jump on rowley's dad's car?

Until it says BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!