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Q: Why do car jerks while taking gas from stop?
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What does your car jerking when coming to a stop mean?

If your car jerks while you are coming to a stop it might mean that your breaks ar getting weasted. If your car is jerking when you come to a stop could mean you have warped brake rotors or a malfunctioning abs unit. It could be you're not taking it out of or to a low enough gear if the vehicle has a manual transmission. There could be a problem in your automatic transmission electronics system; especially a defective speed sensor.

When accelerating quickly from a stop to jump into traffic my car jerks why?

Could be just in need of a tune up.

Why does the Car jerk forward while braking is it the ABS or the transmission?

If a car jerks forward while in the break position it is not the Automatic Break System but rather the transmission.

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95 lin town car when turning on air conditioner and the clutch kicks on in the air compressor it jerks and the jerks at the same time car experiencing loss of electricity from engine when it jerks

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throttle plate stuck? I'm not sure. When I'm driving, I take my foot off the gas and the car jerks and when I have to stop and I push on the brakes the car revs and jerks forward and occasionally stalls

Car car jerks when idle?

no .... no way.

What you need worked on to stop car from jerking?

the fuel filter or carburetor might be plugged, really need to know when it jerks be it accelerating or stopping.

Acura Legend 1993 it jerks and shakes real hard when you stop what is it?

It could be the rotors are getting bad, and it also could be the car's wheel alignment.

Why is your car dying at stop lights?

what would make a 2000 ford windstar die out at stop lights and you have to put your foot on the brake and gas at the same time to keep it running and it sputters and jerks.

What does it mean when your car bucks?

This means when your car jerks very hard.

Why does a Car jerks after putting in gas?

Water in the gas

Car jerks when driving?

There would be a number of reasons why a car might jerk while you are driving. Your fuel filter could be clogged, something might be wrong with your carburetor, or your fuel pump.