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They are not playing around that their fight stance

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11y ago

because they are probably scared or very excited

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Q: Why do cats fur stick up along their backs?
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Why are the backs of cats ears fur softer then the rest of their fur?

most people dont pet back there. your hands have oils and makes the cats fur oily or damaged and sometimes a cats fur is jus dirty but its hard to get their back of their ears dirty.

Will a cats eyebrows grow back?

Yes, along with all the other fur.

Do cats have fur or hair?

All cats have fur. unless they are furless cats

Is there more cats with fur or is there more cats without fur?

This answer is sort of unknown because when cats are babies they don't have fur . But some cats don't grow fur.

Do cats have a bath?

yes. but not in a bath tub. cats have brush like hairs along their tongue that they brush their fur with. cats may over lick themselves if stressed.

Do cats have hair or fair?

cats have fur(you spelt it fur wrong)not hair

What efforts were made to find a treatment to typhus?

the cats fur the cats fur

What are cat feathers?

None, cats have fur. Cats are mammals. Mammals have fur, that's it. If you really thought cats had feathers, you obviously don't know you fur.

What are naked cats?

Cats without fur.

What is body covering of cat?

Cats have skin covered in fur.

Do Persian cats have fur?

yes because there are from the cat family and ALMOST everyone (cats) have fur

Why do balloons stick to cats?

It really has nothing to do with the cat or the balloon, at least not directly. When there is enough static electricity present, a balloon will stick to a cat's fur. The static electricity is usually generated by lightly rubbing the balloon on the cat's body, and may be enhanced if the air is dry (such as in dry heat in a house).