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Most cats won't meow at birds. That scares the birds away and cats don't want to scare away the birds. They want to catch the birds. My cats sit at the kitchen window watching birds and they don't meow. They cackle or chatter! It is absolutely funny to watch them cackle or chatter at the birds. I don't know how they could ever catch a bird.

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12y ago
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11y ago

Cats meow saying aloud that they REALLY want to eat that bird they see.

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14y ago

Because it's in there instincts to react. They love to eat birds [and so do dogs,]. there kinda like Hamburgers to them.

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14y ago

I didn't even know they did but I'm gonna guess so they can catch birds so they can eat them.

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13y ago

because some animals are very wild in nature which can kill cats

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13y ago

It is instinct: long before cats were kept as pets, the would always be listening for something they could catch, and eat. As cats evolved, they would know that birds were an easy target.

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11y ago

Cats make that noise when they want to eat the bird it sees.

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well there eyes are a kind that can see in the dark and glow in the dark and at night you can see them because it is dark and my cat says " yep meow yep meow" hehe um that is why thanks

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One can view images of cats online at the popular site I Can Has Cheezburger. One may also see cats at the Facebook page Cat Lovers Only and the website Love Meow.

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well it depends on how good the video is and how much the people like the cats!! meow meow! but you can check how many people have watched it if you look below and you show see something that says views and then that should tell yah!!

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From what I understand, silent meow is something cats do to show their gratitude and affection. A relaxed or interested-in-you cat, with ears up, narrows his or her eyes and opens his or her mouth widely, as if to meow, but makes no sound. I have a female cat who does this, and male who doesn't (but is affectionate in other ways she isn't), and there's no mistaking it for anything but a sign of affection. Consider yourself lucky -- and complimented -- if you see it.

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it means your cat(s) consider you part of the family... my aunt pams cats do this all the time in fact they meow everytime they see me. we meow at each other all the time.

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To show love for cats to other people, you can buy cat books, cat sculptures or cat shirts. This is so people can see you are a cat lover. To show love for cats to your cat, you can stroke the cat or serve the cats favorite foods. You can also try to meow at the cat, so that the cat will understand that you are trying to communicate with it.

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How are cats and dogs different from each other?

A Dog is a boy and a cat is a girl. This answer is unexceptable ^^ The real answer can be found on google images. You can look up pictures of dogs and cats and then tell the difference. But if you dont have the time to, heres an answer. -Dogs bark, cats meow -Dogs have longer noses -Cats are smaller than most dogs -Cats are dainty I know these will help! =]