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Stronger chickens will often attack weak chickens by pecking out their feathers, particularly on the rear because that's the end that's facing the stronger chicken when the weaker one tries to run away.

The hens lose feathers on their backs because the roosters are too aggressive. Hens need be bred les than once a day to make teir eggs fertile. When there are too many roosters, the hens will be overbred causing their feathers to be pulled/worn off their backs and necks.

The ideal ratio of roosters to hens is 1 to 12.

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Several reasons.

Check for lice and mites. Dust with insecticide.

You also may want to review the amount of space available in the roost. Peafowl will pull feathers from that area if they feel crowded when they settle down for the evening.

Boost their feed with more protein. And watch the peacock, he may be particularly active and the peahens will lose feathers from the "saddle" ( just above the tail) where the peacock stands on their back during mating.

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They are molting. losing feathers and replacing them with new ones. it happends to all chickens.

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Hens stop laying eggs. The main reason is because they need extra energy to produce new feathers, and another reason is that the pigment in their eggshells comes from the pigment in their feathers. Molting can take between three and six weeks.

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Replacing its feathers

Make a sentence with molting?

If a bird is molting, that means it is a season where they lose some of their feathers (to be replaced by new feathers)

What is chicken molting?

Chickens loose a lot of their feathers and then (in most hens) dont lay eggs for a couple months.

What is it called when penguins lose their feathers?

I think its called molting i think it is.

How come the hens that are sitting on the eggs are losing feathers?

This is called molting. It is the time when chickens renew their feathers. Old feathers fall out and new one's grow back. The chicken uses much of their energy doing this and egg production slows when this happens.

What does it mean when a feathers floats in your home?

one of your chickens is molting or one of your pillows has a hole, or a sparrow flew in your house and lost one. there are many possiblities to have this occur in your home.

Is it okay for Polish chickens have bald spots?

Most likely your hens are molting but if the bald spot is on the saddle...the area on the back just above the tail, what is happening is the rooster is wearing away the feathers from mating with the hen. This is normal and will last until the next molting period when the hen will not allow the rooster to mount her and her feathers will re-grow.

Why have your bantam quit laying over night?

When chickens get to an age they decide to stop laying. They just get too old. Because it is winter at the moment, chickens are molting (loosing all of their feathers) and they often have a 'break' from laying for about a month. I have 20 or so chickens and I am only getting 3 eggs a day because most of them are molting. Your bantam could just be being slack or just old. Hope this helps....

Do chickens shed?

Yes, it's called molting.