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Because animals are nature to us.(eg bees make honey).

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Q: Why do christians believe that humans are more important than animals?
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Because Christians believe that the Bible is the inspired words of their God, written by humans.

Why do christians believe the humans are special?

Christians believe that, unlike all other animals, humans have a soul, making them unique.Christians also believe that humans are unique because they are made in the image of God.

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Christians place no rank on the species which come after humans in importance.

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Dissecting real animals is important because certain animals have similar charcteristics to humans. They can help with medical procedures and you can test on animals instead of humans.

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No i believe they do not cause humans get oxygen from trees animals really are not different from humans so animals get the oxygen from trees just like humans

Is animal dissection important?

Dissecting real animals is important because certain animals have similar charcteristics to humans. They can help with medical procedures and you can test on animals instead of humans.

Do Christians believe in ghosts?

YES Christians believe in the existence of evil spirits, which is what they believe ghosts are. Christians do not believe a ghost is a dead person haunting humans or places on earth. There are also many different types of christians with different beliefs so your answer will vary.

Is animals important than humans?

I think animals are just as important as humans because they need the things as we need. Shelter, food, water, and some to love.

What characterizes an animal's capacity to learn and what sets it apart from humans?

Humans are animals. Mammals in fact. Humans have a higher awareness that leads us to believe we are superior to other animals.

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Photosynthesis is important for humans because it provides oxygen for us.