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It doesn't say it because it basically uses a perfect example With (God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit ).


The same may be said of the words: Christmas and Easter... also not found in the Bible, but used by most of modern professing Christian denominational churches.

The answer to each of these words is also the same.

They're all rooted inthe ancient pagan beliefs of past world-ruling empires. Religious beliefs that survived the collapse of eachempire were adopted, adapted, added or discarded as each new empire saw fit to appease and control the masses.

Religion has always been used in this manner... as a "binding force" to unite empires in daily affairs and times of upheaval and transition.

The "beliefs" of pagan societies aren't simply forgotten and discarded when they're radically altered [invaded and defeated in war]. So, is the case of the polytheistic beliefs of ancient Rome... who adopted and adapted many of their gods from the gods of the Greeks... who adopted and adapted theirs from the Babylonians... whose gods floated across the flood on Noah's ark from whatever sordid society that was extant in the pre-flood world which God saw fit to destroy.

The waning Roman Empire didn't start out believing in the name of Jesus Christ. They believed in a full array of gods [including their emperors] whose names they had to alter to include and placate the newly-defeated Greeks. It was their priests and priestesses, in charge of their religious beliefs, practices, customs and traditions,who changed the names of their gods where they needed to unite the empire [and, of course, the presence ofRoman soldiersdidn't hurt the transition, either].

Jesus was handed over to the pagan Romans on charges of treason against Caesar and the empire, claiming that He was a King! But, in spite of Jesus' crucifixion at the hands of the Romans... Jesus' name wouldn't go away. The succeeding decades and centuries proved to be another bloody time of upheaval and transition for the world-ruling empire, as corruption from within and rebellion from within and without -- and the increasingly disturbing belief of the peoplein the name of Jesus Christ[which beganwith an annoying"Roman citizen"... one "Paul of Tarsus" living and preaching Christ andHis Kingdomin the very heart of Rome].

"When we arrived in Rome, Paul was permitted to have his own private lodging, though he wasguarded by a soldier... 'Brothers, I was arrested in Jerusalem and handed over to the Roman government, even though I had done nothing against our people or the customs of our ancestors... I felt it necessary to appeal to Caesar, even though I had no desire to press charges against my own people." (Acts 28:16-19 NLT New Living Translation)

"...a large number of people came to Paul's house. He told them about the Kingdom of God and taught them about Jesus from the Scriptures - from the five books of Moses and the books of the prophets. Some believed and some didn't." (verses 23-24)

"For the next two years, Paul lived in his own rented house. He welcomed all who visited him, proclaiming the Kingdom of God with all boldness and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ. AND NO ONE TRIED TO STOP HIM." (verses 30-31)

And so it was that another religious transition came to another empire. Not suddenly... but gradually. And when he died... the pagan gods of ancient empires that Rome had adopted began to work their way into Paul's teachings by the Roman priests, who now had to adopt "Jesus" into Rome's changing theology.

The many heathen gods of Rome had to undergo another transitional change. Not their utter abandonment -- the people wouldn't stand for that. Rome began to adopt the name of "Jesus" into its religious culture.

The ancient heathen practice of worshiping the "birth of the sun" in the "winter solstice" was renamed "Christmas" [not commanded by God in the Bible; but the churches adopted it and used it].

They didn't bother changing the name of their Fertility Godess, Ishtar [pronounced Easter] to anything that sounded "Christian"... but the accoutrements of the custom, fertility, rabbitsand eggs, fit the newly adopted "Christian resurrection theme" of "rebirth," joyand merriment. [not commanded by God in the Bible; but the churches adopted it and used it].

And, of course, the ancient heathen belief by past empiresin "triad gods," the origins of which goestoo far back to remember[and which could also not be discarded from Roman custom and tradition] was also adopted and adapted to the new official religion of the empire, "Christianity," under Constantine.

Even in spite of the fact that Jesus, Himself, declares He and His Father to be TWO... not three, who work together, as a FAMILY, "as One" in purpose and harmony:

"I and My Father are One." (John 10:30) [this IS in the Bible... but the churches don't use this].

And Jesus prays to His Father that those whom His Father is calling out of the world will "join the Family of God" and become as they are: AS ONE WITH THEM.

"My prayer for all of them is that THEY WILL BE ONE, JUST AS YOU AND I ARE ONE, Father - that just as You are in Me and I AM in You, so THEY WILL BE IN US, and the world will believe You sent Me." (John 17:21 NLT)

"For His Holy Spirit speaks to us deep in our hearts and tells us that WE ARE GOD'S CHILDREN. And since we are His Children, we will share His treasures - for everything God gives to His Son, Christ, is ours, too..." (Rom.8:16-17 NLT)

[This, too, is in the Bible... but not many churches use or believe it]

The churches foisted on mankind by the god of this world are deceived by many religions and many gods [some, triune godheads]. And that includes a "false Christianity," which Jesus, in His Word the Bible, warns His servants to beware.

"...Don't let anyone mislead you. For many will come in My Name, saying, 'I am the Messiah' [that is, some claiming to BE Christ; as well as all of them "professing" Christ]. They will lead many astray." (Matt.24:4-5 NLT)

There is much in the Bible that many churches don't "use" or believe. And much more outside of the Bible, handed down through generations of pagan gods and religions that they DO. It's called "religious deception." And it's the works of the god of this world, whom the Bible calls the "Dragon":

"This great Dragon - the ancient Serpent called the Devil, or Satan, THE ONE DECEIVING THE WHOLE WORLD..." (Rev.12:9 NLT).


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Q: Why do churches use the word trinity when it is not in the bible?
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