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Q: Why do composite cone valcanos have the most violent eruptions the?
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The type of volcano formed from violent eruptions of a volcano?

It is not a composite volcano or a cinder cone volcano... it's not even a shield volcano so it is NOT one of the three main volcanoes

Shape built by numerous violent eruptions?


What is formed by violent eruptions?

Cinder cone volcano

What volcano is formed by violent eruptions?

Cinder cone volcano

What shape is built up from numerous violent volcanic eruptions?


Which volcao results in a violent eruption?

its the composite cone volcano?

Which volcano has the most powerful eruptions cinder cone composite or shield?

the composite, and it can basically self distruct too!

Did sunset crater give violent or quiet eruptions?

As a cinder cone volcano, Sunset Crater's eruptions were mildly explosive.

Why are some volcanic eruptions gentle and others violent and why do scientist make a distinction?

Because it all depends on what type of volcano it is, if it is a shield volcano low and flat it's eruptions will be gentle. But if it is a cone volcano tall and steep it's eruptions will be very violent.

Moderate to violent eruptions throwing volcanic ash cinders and lava high in to the air?

Cinder Cone Volcano

What a large cone shaped volcano built from alternating layers of cinders and hardened lava?

A stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano.

What are the kinds of cone volcanoes?

There are three kinds of cone volcanoes shield cones, composite cones, and cinder cones. Shield cones have very fluid lava. They erupt with a quiet lava flow. An example of a shield cone volcano is Mauna Loa. A shield cone is pretty much a little dome that has been flattened. Composite cones have sticky lava and rock bits. They have the most explosive eruptions An example of a composite cone volcano is Vesuvius. Composite cones are steep at the top but gentle at the bottom. Cinder cones have cinders. They have explosive eruptions An example is Paricutin. A cinder cone is very steep.