

Why do corn stalks stand up?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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15y ago

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probably because they are going towards the sun. most plants that are above ground reach towards the sun.

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How do you make tar from corn stalks?

You can apparently make it by microwaving the corn stalks.

Can horses eat green corn stalks?

Horses can eat green corn stalks if you want to feed them the stalks. It will not hurt a horse to eat green corn stalks. Answer 2: Technically, yes a horse can eat green corn stalks, that doesn't mean they should though. Horses cannot proccess the stalks enough to get much nutrition out of them. The corn stalks can also harbor fungus and bacteria that could cause problems for the horse.

What are corn stalks?

the things that are tall, green, and corn grows from them.

What are the many ways to use corn stalks to decorate?

There are many ways to use utilize corn stalks to decorate. You can create a dried cornstalk arrangement. You can create wreaths from corn stalks as well. You can use it to decorate yards.

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corn stalks

What is thinning of corn?

Corn is often planted about 3 to 6 inches apart. When stalks begin to grow, it is often thinned ( pulled ), so that stalks stand about 12" apart. Usually the smaller, weaker plants are pulled, to allow the larger types more room to grow.

How small are the smallest corn stalks?

1ft tall

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What is a corn stob?

Where I come from, people refer to the cut stalks left in the field after harvesting the corn as the "corn stobs."

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How is corn picked from the field?

A Crop Sweeper is the best way to pick up down corn. It can be found at

What is the punishment for trespassing in Kansas?

you get beaten with the millions of stalks of corn. then you must count all of the corn.