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because they are lower in temperature

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Q: Why do covalent bonds generally have lower melting temperatures but are stronger than ionic bonds?
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Why an ionic bonds have higher melting than a covalent bonds?

The ionic bond is stronger.

Which substance ionic or covalent has a higher melting point?

Generally the ionic molecules has a higher melting point.

How does the melting point of ionic compounds compared to that of covalent compounds?

Ionic compounds generally have higher melting and boiling points.

Do metals melt easily?

If easily means at low temperatures then no, ionic compounds generally have a higher melting point than most compounds except for those with hydrogen bonding and network covalent bonding which have higher melting points generally.

Why is the melting point for ionic compounds higher then the melting point of molecular compounds?

Ionic bonds are stronger than covalent bonds and therefore require more energy to break.

what has higher melting points ionic or covalent compounds?

Ionic compounds have higher melting points because the bond olding the ionic crystal together is stronger than the intermolecular forces (van der Waals) holding covalent molecules together. Giant covalent molecules such as dialmond and silicon dioxide have very high melting points because the lattice is held together by stong covalent bonds

What are the effects of covalent and ionic substances?

well ionic substances are solid at room temperature,they are generally soluble in water ,they have high melting and boiling points,while covalent substances are generally liquid and gases at room temperature,non-polar covalent substances are generally insoluble in water while polar covalent are generally soluble in water

What is the melting point for covalent?

Covalent bonds do not melt. Compounds with covalent bonds melt and the melting point depends primarily on whether there are discrete molecules held together by intermolecular forces (which have lower melting points) or giant covalent networks such as in silica or diamond (which tend to have higher melting points).

Why are are covalent networks compounds like silicon oxide solids at room temperature?

Covalent netweork compounds are held together generally by strong covalent bonds and therefore melting them takes a lot of thermal energy.

Does covalent bonds have high melting points?

yes covalent does

Which type of compound would have the lowest melting point?

Compounds bonded by covalent bonds do not necessarily have low melting points. Some have whereas some don't have.Some polymers and hydrocarbons have very high melting points. But it can be said that they don't have melting points as high as ionic compounds. It is so because ionic bonds are stronger than the covalent bonds.

Why do covalent compounds and ionic compounds have different melting points?

Melting points are a reflection of the intermolecular forces and intramolecular forces of the compound. The stronger the intermolecular force, the more energy it takes to bring it to a different state.