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Different metabolism - different work.

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Q: Why do different people need different amount of food?
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How do you know how much food you need?

how do you know how much food you need for a certain amount of people (200)

What is food allowance?

Food allowance is a ration of food given for a certain amount of time. This is given to people in need of food, whether poor or in the military.

Why do different people use different amounts of food?

Because they have different sizes and need different amounts of food to fill up their body in order to not feel hungry.

How much amount of food do you need to eat?

By knowing to eat les amount of food .

How does sunlight aid in survival?

will different plants need different amount of sunlight . they need sunlight for photosynthesis that's how they make their own food. without sunlight,there would be no photosynthesis and plants.

How do you determine the amount of food to order for an event?

If you are planning a large event like a wedding or a party, then it is important to how much food to order. You need to determine how many people will be attending the event. You also need to know the type of food that you are ordering. For instance, pasta can feed a lot more people then steak. It is important to always have a little extra on hand for unexpected guests or even the workers. Once you have a good head count you can determine a portion size and multiply that by the amount of people coming to get the amount of food you need for your event.

What is a shortage of food mean?

Food shortage is when there is not enough food. When the amount you have does not equal or exceed the amount that you need, you have a shortage. In this case, the shortage is of food.

Why do fast-moving predators need a large amount of food?

Fast-moving predators need a large amount of food because they burn more energy when thy are hunting. They need more food, to supply the greater amount of energy they use.

Why can the amount of energy in food be measured in food or calories or Calories?

because people need to know how much calorie consumption not to damage your health and have a healthy life

Why do you need magnetism in your lives?

a large amount of food

How much food would you need for space for a week?

an astronout needs the same amount like an normal person on earth just different contents

What is Canadian usually need?

There are quite a few different things that Canadians usually need. These people need water and food just like everyone else.