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When the doctor asks you to stick out your tongue they are not only looking at the tongue. When you stick out your tongue it moves the tongue out of the way and allows the doctor to get a better view of the inside of your mouth. They are looking at the back of your throat, gums, tongue, and mucous membrane (the tissue on the inside of your mouth) for anything abnormal, such as inflammation, bleeding, and abnormal growths and excretions.

Not only that, but the uvula (the little ball that hangs down from the roof of your mouth) is a great way to see if you have problems with one of the nerves coming off of your brainstem.

Looking at the tongue or inside the mouth are two very different things. Doctors will look at someone's tongue to see/note any signs of "deficiencies" or, even more serious, signs of cancer. A healthy tongue is usually pink, and smooth. White tongue could mean dehydration. White tongue may be due to candida (we all have candida but Candida albicans can cause infections). Your tongue may feel smooth due to a nutritional deficiency. A pale, smooth tongue could be a sign of iron-deficiency (anemia) or lack of B vitamins. A red tongue more often signals underlying problems in children's health. A strawberry or raspberry-coloured tongue can be one of the first symptoms of scarlet fever, for example. Adults less often manifest these signs. The list and "symptoms" can be very long but if your doctor feels that there might be something wrong with you he/she may get a confirmation by looking at your tongue (and not inside your mouth).

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Does your tongue ever get tired?

no your tongue will never get tired if you look in the mirror and you look at it your tongue will still be moving even if there is no pressure or force on to it. in conclusion your tongue is never tired.

What a humans tongue look like?

Look in the mirror and stick out your tongue... should give you an idea.

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A tongue with a barbell in it.

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When you look underneath your tongue, you can see purple veins. So yes, there are veins in the tongue.

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Tongue cancer can appear as red and swollen sores on the tongue. The tongue may also appear brown or black.

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Why do the doctors keep the thermometer under the tongue?

There are a net of blood vessels close to the surface under the tongue and this gives a true reading of the temperature of the blood (and hence the body).

what does Cancer look like?

Tongue cancer can appear as red and swollen sores on the tongue. The tongue may also appear brown or black.

What do dog tongue warts look like?

Warts on a dog's tongue look pretty similar to warts anywhere else on a dog - they are typically white to grayish raised, textured bumps protruding from the surface of the tongue.