

Why do dogs beg when they have a toy in their mouth?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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They beg because they want you to throw it. So, throw it!

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Q: Why do dogs beg when they have a toy in their mouth?
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Why do dogs beg?

It is their way of saying "please."

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\\\Smaller versions of big breeds like toy poodles!

Why dogs beg?

the reason that dogs beg is because they want some thing or they are hungry they don't beg for attention but some times dogs wants you to play with them so the dog will come to you and start whining that's when they want attention it is okay to give your dog attention and to give the dog a walk.

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Pine needles are not considered toxic but are irritating. they can be irritating to the mouth and stomachs of dogs as well as the feet and pads if they walk on the needles. Many dogs will vomit after eating the needles.

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The Chihuahua is the most popular breed of toy dogs. The second most popular toy dog breed is the teacup yorkie.

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No. A dogs mouth is full of germs. Think about where they lick and what they eat. Bacteria can be transferred to your mouth when doing this.

What is cuter teecup dogs or toy dogs?

Cuteness is in the eye of the beholder. Teacup dogs are a bit smaller; while toy dogs are only slightly larger. I think at some point tiny dogs begin to look like other critters. So I'm partial to toy on this one...but this is purely an opinion question.