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Dogs consider the toilet an incredible, spring-fed porcelain fountain. From a dog's point of view, toilet water is better because it's fresher, cooler and hasn't been standing around in a little bowl for hours and hours. It's magically changed, refreshed, renewed with every push of the handle. The water stays cooler longer because of the porcelain container, and because the larger surface area of a toilet bowl leads to greater evaporation. And toilets are made of material that doesn't alter the taste of water the way metal or plastic can. Given the choice, wouldn't you rather drink from a fresh mountain stream rather than a brackish pond? Still, experts recommend that dogs do not drink from the toilet, because the bowl may contain the residue of harmful cleaning chemicals and other unmentionables. Easy solution: KEEP THE LID DOWN....... Resource: Why Do Dogs Drink Out of the Toilet? written by Marty Becker, DVM, Resident Vet on Good Morning America, and Gina Spidafori

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Q: Why do dogs drink out of the toilet and is it safe to let them?
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Um.... no, why would you ask a question like that? (No offense there) I'm sure it won't die or anything, just don't let it happpen again... It is unsafe for the dogs organs.