

Why do dogs have watery eyes?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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12y ago

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Dogs eyes can run because they have mucus in their eyes, just like people do. They can also run because the dog may have Allergies. If your dog seems to be in a lot of discomfort from allergies, you can give your dog Benedryl, but be sure to talk to your vet first about dosing instructions.

Our vet advised us to get the over the counter antihistimine "Dayhist Allergy" tablets. (Clemastine Fumarate tablets, USP 1.34 mg). It is used for both humans and dogs. It can be found in any drugstore or at 1-800-petmeds (phone#) or for a very inexpensive price. This site also has other alergy meds available for dogs/cats over the counter.

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12y ago

Dog eye health is related to nutrition. Some dogs have excessive watery eyes and tear stains, which can both be helped by putting the dog on a natural dog food diet. There are many companies that make natural dog food (Natural Balance, etc). They make products with omegas, flaxseed, and super foods that promote immune health.

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16y ago

Some breeds of dogs just have running eyes and some of it can be cause by a clogged tear duct. Breeds of dogs can have running eyes if they are out playing, they get dust in their eyes or hair that cover their eyes. See your vet and get eye drops and be sure there is not a clogged tear duct or infection. Smaller dogs are more prone to weeping from their eyes.

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