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first of all , the question does not make sense. Why is their 2 back feet?

Well thank god i am a smart person because i happen to understand this question. So the answer is........

Dogs do so because that is the way god has created them. Its like you asking why do people scratch themselves with their hands ! think before you write :)

I am happy to answer your question !

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Q: Why do dogs scratch outward with their back feet their back feet?
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no they do not. And if the dog does it can not b shown in dog shows.

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You scratch an itch! An itch itches. You scratch an itch to remove the pain.

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The ratio of dogs to dogs' feet is 1:4. You should know, however, that dogs technically don't have feet. They have paws.

How many hands do dogs have?

On the lighter side: It will be 2. The 2 first feet are the hands and the 2 on the back are the feet when the dog stands up!Answer: None as dogs don't have hands; they have paws.

There are a total of 16 birds and dogs There are 62 feet How many birds and how many dogs comprise the 62 feet?

Assuming the dogs have four feet and birds two, you need 15 dogs (60 feet) and 1 bird (2 feet) giving a total of 16 birds and dogs and 62 feet. None. Dogs have paws, not feet. Also, birds have claws, not feet.

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he jump 20 human feet

Why do dogs have 4 feet?

dogs have 4 feet to balance their weight. dogs also need to run with 4 feet it would be possible with 3 feet but very difficult.

Why do dogs have four feet?

dogs have four feet for running fast and stability!

Why are dogs such poor dancers?

They go forward well if you hold front paws but tend tyo push back on both feet for back notions.

How many feet all together on 16 dogs?

64 feet. 16 dogs * 4 feet each = 64. Unless one of the dogs is a tripod.