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Before the requirement to register via Facebook (which has a minimum user age of thirteen) - there was no minimum age for users here. This led to younger children just typing anything. Those people are still here - but - you can always flag an answer for improvement - or - better still - edit the answer with the correct information !

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It's possible that individuals who provide incorrect answers may be misinformed or lacking knowledge on the topic. Everyone makes mistakes, and not all responses can be accurate. It's always important to double-check information from multiple sources.

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Q: Why do dumb people answer this website when it is the wrong answer?
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Related questions is dumb right?

no it is not dumb but some users are dumb and use it in the wrong way.

Is school for dumb people?

No, school is to teach all so there are no dumb people.

Is wiki dumb?

Well that depends on the person.They may think that this website is dumb. But other people like me like wiki answers and don't say that it is dumb some people half like it half dislike it.

If You get an answer wrong will that Make you dumb?

Getting the wrong answer does not make you dumb. It just means that you got the answer wrong and could learn something new by finding the right answer.

If you live in washtion what would be the state south from you?

i would say that all the questions im asking are all wrong ur website is dumb

Is this a dumb website?

this is actually a good website

Is Build-a-Bearville bunny glasses dumb?

Bunny glasses are not dumb! What is wrong with you?

Is a dumb website?

No its a way for people to share ideas and ask questions for free and not be like yahoo and needs the dumb points and let normal americans supervise

How are majority powers limited?

Y'all really need to stop coming on this website . Because it gives you the wrong answers sometimes , I mean come on who let's someone answer a question ? Huh ? Its dumb . Because like this website , is so retarded . I'm done with this dumb website , and you should be done too . So take my advice and leave this website . Don't leave without reading this !

Where does the name katlyn come from?

dumb people are named katlyn, they do dumb stuff to this website. No they are not, i am named katlyn and i am very smart. Katlyn means pure, a beautiful and graceful woman.

What is the difference between a borough and a county?

Are you dum check on wikipedija or peters answers Are you DUMB you spelt DUMB wrong DUMB*SS

What is the Hard protective shell that shields the crab's body called?

Most people are saying shell, but they're wrong! The correct answer is internal/external skeleton depending on if it is molted or not.