

Why do eggs spin?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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12y ago

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Only hard boiled eggs spin because the inner part is solid.

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Q: Why do eggs spin?
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tyoe in "Do a barrel roll" its one of Google's many Easter eggs

Do hard boiled eggs spin the same length of time or number of times as a raw egg?

boiled egg

Do all spiders spin cocoons to protect their young?

There are at least a few who inject the eggs into a host. When the young spiders are born, they gnaw through the still-living host and devour it. So, no, not all of them spin a cocoon.

How do you separate hard boiled eggs from fresh eggs?

Spin them one at a time. While the egg is in motion, stop it from spinning and quickly release it. Raw eggs will move as the raw contents will still have inertia. The hard boiled eggs will not move once they have be stopped spinning. The other way, crack the eggs over a bowl. If they are not boiled, make fried.

How will you know if it is a boiled or fresh egg?

Put the on a flat surface, then give each egg a quick spin. Hard boiled eggs should keep spinning for a longer time. This happens because the interior of the egg is solid, while in the uncooked eggs the liquid inside sloshes around, slowing the egg.

What to do cabbage butterflies do?

They lay eggs on Brassicas and their caterpillars will hatch and eat the leaves. Eventually, the caterpillar will spin a cocoon from inside which an adult butterfly will emerge.

Hard Boiled eggs spin because are more dense or is it because they are less dense?

It actually has nothing to do with density. In an uncooked egg, the amniotic fluid inside continues to spin even when you have stopped the whole egg from spinning. Hence, when you let go again, the momentum of the amniotic fluid makes the egg spin once more. Hope this helps!