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This is how catabolic pathways decompose glucose and other organic fuels that yield energy, by substances giving off and accepting electrons energy is released and this is ultimately crucial for energy processing reactions in living systems. Redox reactions does just this by having reduction of electrons and oxidation of electrons occur in this reaction.

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19h ago

Redox reactions are important for energy processing in living systems because they involve the transfer of electrons, which can be used to generate energy in the form of ATP. The transfer of electrons allows for the conversion of chemical energy into a usable form for the cell. This process is essential for metabolism and the production of energy needed for cellular functions.

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Q: Why do energy processing reactions in living systems have to be REDOX reactions?
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Is the activation energy for chemical reactions in living things high or low?

The activation energy for chemical reactions in living things is generally low compared to non-biological systems. Enzymes play a major role in lowering the activation energy, allowing reactions to occur at the relatively mild conditions found in biological settings. This enables life processes to proceed efficiently.

Why are enzymes used to perform hydrolysis in living systems?

Enzymes are used to perform hydrolysis in living systems because they speed up the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones. The presence of enzymes reduces the activation energy required for these reactions to occur, making the process more efficient. This allows organisms to obtain nutrients and energy from food sources more effectively.

What is the totality of chemical reactions that occur in a living organism?


What breaks down large molecules?

Larger molecules become smaller molecules by chemical reactions referred to as decomposition reactions. These can be as simple as oxidation, or as complex as catalyzed reduction of hydrocarbons (oil). The chemical reactions can be triggered by other reactive chemicals, by catalysts, or by the addition of energy (heat, electric current). They can be spontaneous or be deliberate, and they can sometimes be self-sustaining, as in a cascade reaction.

What three hydrogen-containing polyatomic anions are essential components of living system?

The three hydrogen-containing polyatomic anions essential for living systems are phosphate (PO4^3-), bicarbonate (HCO3^-), and hydroxide (OH^-). These ions play important roles in biological processes such as energy transfer (phosphate), pH regulation (bicarbonate), and chemical reactions (hydroxide).

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What Organic molecules that catalyze reactions in living systems are?

Enzymes are organic molecules that catalyze reactions in living systems.

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what are the reactions that deal with energy in a living thign referred to as

What is energy requirements of living systems?

The energy requirements of living systems include being able to move. These living systems also need energy to eat and to hunt.

Why do living things need both endothermic and exothermic reactions in their bodies?

Living things have cellular reactions which involve both reactions in the process. Endothermic reactions help the body conserve energy or contain it. Exothermic reactions help the body produce energy.

Is the activation energy for chemical reactions in living things high or low?

The activation energy for chemical reactions in living things is generally low compared to non-biological systems. Enzymes play a major role in lowering the activation energy, allowing reactions to occur at the relatively mild conditions found in biological settings. This enables life processes to proceed efficiently.

How living systems follow the law of conservation of mass and energy?

Living systems follow the law of conservation of mass and energy by taking in nutrients and energy from their environment to sustain their growth, reproduction, and metabolism. Waste products like carbon dioxide and heat are released in the process to maintain the balance of mass and energy in the system. This ensures that the total mass and energy within the system remains constant over time.

Why is it important that energy-releasing reactions take place in living organisms?

It is it important that energy-releasing reactions take place in living organisms because living organisms need energy. These energy releasing reactions allow the cell to capture the energy released during oxidative metabolism and store it as potential chemical energy.

Which is a type of protein that speeds up chemical reactions in living things?

An enzyme is a type of protein that speeds up chemical reactions in living things by lowering the activation energy of said reactions.

Enzymes affect the reactions in living cells by lowering the?

activation energy of the reaction.

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What do chemical reactions in living organisms need to start?

all they need is energy

What do most living things us to release energy from food?

chemical reactions.