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Q: Why do environmental scientist us mathematical models?
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Which government agency employs physical scientist and seek to understand and protect the earths environment?

Environmental Protection Agency in the US.

What are at least three environmental problems that life scientist are studying now?

They are studying things such as pollution, in all its forms; endangered species, and the causes of their endangerment; and the effects of deforestation on all life forms.Related Information:Many environmental problems are caused by our misuse of natural resources. Life scientist try to understand how we interact with, and affect, the world around us.

How can a trend help scientist make an prediction?

Scientists use something called computer models to make their predictions A computer model is a computer program that has been designed to simulate a particular function and to make predictions of its expected behavior. Computer models are very useful to help us understand all sorts of events, lots of models have been developed and are used to explain lots of different events. Those who model climate over the next 50-100 years should have great interest in proof, testing and use of their models. The environmental revolutionaries want us to believe that every global warming prediction is correct, but computer models can easily draw wrong conclusions, it is easy for a computer model to be wrong, actually it is rather amazing that they ever make any correct predictions. Some events are simply to difficult to model, sometimes the results of a particular set of events are not known. One must then perform a complicated calculation each time those events must be used, rather than using the result of the mathematical equation to recreate a function. Some things cannot be modeled if you don't know on what they depend on.

Why are saints models for us?

Saints are models for us because they are good people

How does mathematical notation help us in math?

it does not

Why are conceptual and mathematical models especially powerful?

Conceptual models are powerful analytic tools because they allow us to creatively define variables that might be difficult to otherwise simulate. This could be something like imagining the Big Bang, or thinking about Quantum Physics and the dimensions of space and time beyond human perception or imagining economic growth models. Mathematical models are powerful analytic tools because if a mathematic proof correctly supports the truth of an idea or phenomenon, it's basically irrefutable. If the idea is not true but the math correctly proves it, it is a big deal and we change mathematic principles and advance the field. Mathematic logic is very rigorous and methodical in how it calculates and solves the questions of the world. Both models are important analytic tools and not mutually exclusive-a conceptual model might also be a mathematical model.

Look at Botticelli's Birth of Venus. What is a notable feature of this workAsk us anything?

It lacks mathematical perspective

Who was the scientist who gave us the law of motion?

Sir Isaac Newton was the scientist who gave us the law of motion.

Why did they create maths?

To get a efficient tool that is able to describe the world around us. Math is a vital part of virtually any science. Especially physics and chemistry. Both of these sciences describes how nature works through mathematical models.

What are the US government models?

governments models are constitutioon and the other offices

What US president is remembered by his environmental services?

Teddy Roosevelt has helped and served his environmental services

Are there catalysts that help deal with environmental issues?

Yes there are. They help us deal with environmental issues.