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A sharp nose is most advantageous to travel faster in air due to its aerodynamic shape. The nose presents the minimum resistance to air friction (friction causes both drag and extreme heating). The rounded shape of a space shuttle's nose is purposely designed to provide both resistance and lift as it reenters the atmosphere. Aircraft without sharply pointed noses would have great difficulty accelerating to the speed of sound and beyond.

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Q: Why do fighter aircraft have very sharp nose?
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What is the mystery of F-16 aircraft that its turn is very sharp?

While your question is horridly worded......The F-16 can turn very sharp due to it's small size for a jet fighter, wing shape, and light weight.

What are aircraft carriers?

They are very large warships which carry fighter and observation aeroplanes.

How many buttons are in a fighter jet?

About 1700 buttons are in a standard aircraft.It honestly depends on which aircraft it is.

What is the difference between pursuit and fighter planes?

fighter aircraft is general term for any aircraft that is designed to engage another aircraft in combat - pursuit aircraft are fighters designed for speed to be able intercept other aircraft such as intercepting bombers before they reach their target or "racing" to provide support - because pursuit aircraft have to be built to be faster than other aircraft, in the past they had to compromise agility and contolability for speed - modern jet fighters like the F-22 are capable of both speed and agility and therefore there is not enough difference to have a separate category of pursuit fighter the P-38 lightning of WWII was a very fast pursuit fighter, at least 2 are known to have hit the sound barrior in a dive (though they were destroyed doing so) but they were definitly not very agile with those twin props and booms - the peak of performance in pursuit fighters was the F-104 starfighter that was little more than a very large jet engine with short stubby wings and was incredibally fast - but it was very hard to control and fly and land - but it was designed to intercept Russian bombers before they could reach the USA and it did that very well The terms "pursuit" and "Fighter" were used by the US to describe aircraft types for the same role. The Army used the term "Pursuit", which was a term used by the british. The Navy used the term "Fighter" and the aircraft were assigned to fighter squadrons, known as VF (meaning Heavier-than-Air Fighter). Eventually, the Air Force adopted Fighter.

Can a fighter jet fly without canopy?

A fighter jet can just barely fly without the canopy. It would totally upset the pitch of the aircraft and it would have to fly very slowly due to the incoming wind. If the aircraft was above 12,000 feet this lack of pressure would affect the pilot, he would have to lose altitude and land the aircraft soon.

How much fuel can a fighter plane carry?

it depends on the aircraft. this question is very vague, but the F-16 for instance can hold a few thousand pounds of fuel.

What do fighter planes look like?

Characteristics of a Fighter PlaneToday, a fighter plane is usually a jet aircraft. The characteristics of a fighter jet were established back in World War 2, when Britain and Germany made the first jets. One characteristic of the fighter jet was that their wings are swept back. Older airplanes had straight wings, even though they might get smaller further out at the tip. The swept-back wings reduced the drag caused by the voritces at the wing tips. This allowed the jets to fly faster.Most fighter jets have their jet engines mounted inside the fuselage; as opposed to mounted under the wings. The first German fighter jet had wing-mounted engines. Very few fighter jets continued with this design.Most fighter jets have a pilot (or 2 pilots) sitting in a cockpit mounted on top of the fuselage. This provides better visibility so the pilots can watch for enemy aircraft during combat. Bombers will have the cockpit buried down in the fuselage(one exception is the B-47 bomber that had a cockpit like a fighter jet).How to spot a Fighter Plane?Modern jet aircraft have changed dramatically. So this question is difficult to answer. Some fighter jets server in many different roles: fighter, reconnisance, bomber. Some fighter jets have 2-crewmen and 2 engines and are quite large where others are a single pilot and very small. The most recent ones have stealth technology that gives their wings and fuselage very unique shapes.

Why do fighter jets have vapour trails?

All aircraft engines emit hot air and they are usually flying in very cold air, so the hot air appears as a vapour trail.

Do fighter jets refuel in the air?

YES, many fighter jets are equipped with either a probe or a receptacle to receive fuel from a tanker aircraft. This can double a fighters flight endurance. This is very important as fighters use a lot of fuel to take off and get on station quickly.

What do planes look like?

Characteristics of a Fighter PlaneToday, a fighter plane is usually a jet aircraft. The characteristics of a fighter jet were established back in World War 2, when Britain and Germany made the first jets. One characteristic of the fighter jet was that their wings are swept back. Older airplanes had straight wings, even though they might get smaller further out at the tip. The swept-back wings reduced the drag caused by the voritces at the wing tips. This allowed the jets to fly faster.Most fighter jets have their jet engines mounted inside the fuselage; as opposed to mounted under the wings. The first German fighter jet had wing-mounted engines. Very few fighter jets continued with this design.Most fighter jets have a pilot (or 2 pilots) sitting in a cockpit mounted on top of the fuselage. This provides better visibility so the pilots can watch for enemy aircraft during combat. Bombers will have the cockpit buried down in the fuselage(one exception is the B-47 bomber that had a cockpit like a fighter jet).How to spot a Fighter Plane?Modern jet aircraft have changed dramatically. So this question is difficult to answer. Some fighter jets server in many different roles: fighter, reconnisance, bomber. Some fighter jets have 2-crewmen and 2 engines and are quite large where others are a single pilot and very small. The most recent ones have stealth technology that gives their wings and fuselage very unique shapes.

Why do you use fighter aircrafts?

Over Germany in 1944, it was all about protecting or shooting down bombers. The U.S. was intent on removing Germany's ability to build more aircraft and destroy it's ability to resupply its troops and machines. Germany found that to be a huge threat and threw fighter aircraft into the air to bring down hundreds upon hundreds of bombers. Not until the P-51 Mustang came along with its long range drop tanks did the bombers finally receive help in staving off attacks from the German fighter planes. Today, fighter aircraft are the fastest, most efficient way to deliver bombs and weapons to countries that need them. Being fast, they get in and back out of the danger zone quickly and only put one or two soldiers (pilots) at risk. However, being high-tech, they are very expensive to acquire, operate, and for training. With its precision weaponry, one fighter aircraft today can do as much damage as it took battleships or battalions of men to accomplish in years past. Operating them from forward air bases or from aircraft carriers mean fighter aircraft can be called up and on station anywhere in the world within a few hours.

How do aircraft evade anti aircraft missiles?

If your talking about commercial planes they don't. You know about it when it hits you. If your talking fighter jets they either use flares or sonic disruptors or they turn of their radar. Even so these are very rare experiences so don't fret about them. The majority of military aircraft are equipped with either infrared flares for use against heat-seeking anti-aircraft weapons, chaff for use against radar guided anti-aircraft weapons or electronic countermeasures to deceive radar, infrared or laser guided anti-aircraft weapons. Small and maneuverable aircraft, such as fighter jets can combine deploying countermeasures with air combat maneuvers to help deceive on-coming missiles and improve survivability.