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Q: Why do filled things with air float on water?
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Is it the weight that makes things float?

No, it's the air volume on each item. For example, a balloon filled with air will surely float on the water, but a ballon filled with water will not float. That's because there is no air in the second one and that makes it even heavier.

Why do you float lower when you breath?

When you breath out under water, you are releasing the air from your lungs. Air is far less dense than water, which is why things that are filled with air float. So if you breath in, and then go under water you will float toward the surface. However, if you breath out and release that air in your lungs, you lose the buoyancy that the air was giving you. Thus causing you to sink...

If an ordinary balloon is filled with air and pushed under water what will happen?

It should float up. Air is less dense than water, so it will float.

Explain why a ship that is mostly made of metal float on the water?

It displaces water and is filled with air.

Why can't balloons filled with air enter water?

because they float and airs lighter because they float and airs lighter

Why does a beach ball float on water?

Because a beachball is filled with air and that makes it buoyant.

Does air float on water?

Water has a higher density than air. Anything that is less dense will float. The tube's covering is not enough to make it sink when filled with air. That is also the reason that oil and water don't mix.

Can a hydrogen filled balloon float in vacuum?

no it will not. because a balloon filled with hydrogen floats only because it is lighter than air so when there is a vacuum it will not float. it is like oil and water if there is no water oil is on the bottom if there is water it is on the top.

Why do most substances float in air if they flow in water?

I suspect that "flow" is meant to also be "float", but even with that substitution, it just changes the question from nonsensical to counterfactual.Most things that float in water do not float in air.

When you swim underwater you float back up why?

your lungs are filled with air and the air is lighter than water and it pulls you up

Why things float on water?

Objects will float on water because they aren't as dense as the water itself. A ship will float because there are a lot of compartments filled with air, which is not as dense as water.The above answer is also valid but according to the Archimedes Principle, the buoyant force on a submerged object is equal to the weight of the fluid that is displaced by the object.

Why metal ships will float?

They displace water and are filled with air. For example, a solid block of steel wouldn't float, even though it displaces water because it has no air in it either. Wood floats because it has millions of pours that contain air. Water logged wood doesn't float because those same air pockets are flooded with water instead of air.