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Q: Why do fish swim to the surface when there is a hand on top?
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Why do goldfish swim to the surface when a shadow of a hand appears at the top of a tank?

Because it is there instinct ! haha

What is the function of the swim bladder of fish?

The swim bladder makes your fish sink so it isn't floating to the top of the tank.If your fish is floating then it might be a swim bladder problem.Or your fish is dying.

What species prefers to swim in the top of the tank?

Danio fish like to swim on the top, and they like to swim back and forth all of the time( mine do)

Should guppies swim at the top of the aquarium?

Yes, Guppies are obviously surface fish. Just look at the shape and angle of their mouths. You can see that they are designed specially for skimming under the surface of the water.

Why do fish swim up rivers?

Fish have an organ called a swim bladder. This organ controls exactly where in the water a fish is. Its fins simply propel the fish in a direction. The swim bladder controls the up and down bit.

What type of fish swim at the top of the tank?

opline gourami, guppies ,hatchet fish

What does an African butterfly fish do?

They float on the surface near still and occasionally eat top dwelling fish. (Dont get hatchet fish etc.) They will swim elegantly to catch food.(Live food and flake food) They will need a silent filter. THEY ARE AWESOME!

How does a bony fish use the swim bladder?

Helps maintain Fish buoyancy ( from further down in the water or to surface) The swim bladder can fill by gulping air at the surface, this enables the fish to float or empty by loosing air from the swim bladder through a pneumatic duct (a pneumatic duct is an internal gas filled organ) connected to the oesophagus, this enables the fish to sink.

How fast does a humahumanukanukaapuaa fish swim?

it swims at top speeds of 40 MPH

Save upside down fish?

Gold fish will swim upside down if they have a swim bladder infection, try feeding it fish food that sinks because, when it eats food at the top of the tank it swallows air that goes to it's swim bladder causing it to go upside down at the top or bottom of the tank. Hope I Helped :)

What if the betta fish is not floating to the top and is sinking to the bottom?

Fish do not normally "float around" they swim. If your fish is floating/sinking then it is probably dead.

Do dolphins swim at the top or bottom of the ocean?

Dolphins, being mammals, swim near the surface of the ocean where they can come up for air regularly.