

Why do food need to be digested?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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The food that we eat needs to be digested, or broken down, so the particles are small enough to be able to be absorbed into our cells. The process of digestion has four parts. Ingestion, digestion (mechanical and chemical), absorption, and elimination.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Because they have to be broken down so that our bodies can use them. For instance, a whole hamburger cannot just go into your veins and organs, unless it is broken down into vitamins, minerals, calories, etc.

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Most food is digested in the stomach.

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Vitamins are not be digested before absorption. The same is true for the minerals. They need not be digested before absorption.

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It is digested the same way your other food are digested.

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Food is stored before it is digested in your stomach.

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The food that cannot be digested goes to the large intestine.

Where does the food that cannot be digested go?

The food that cannot be digested goes to the large intestine.