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In still water, frogs can see the ripples created when flying insects (their food) touch the water surface to drink or lay eggs.

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Q: Why do frogs like still water?
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What is a tree frogs envioment?

tree frogs like to stay on trees. That last answer is false tree frogs like to stay in stand still water mostly

What do frogs like and dislike?

Frogs like water, they don't like snakes.

Where do pixie frogs lay there eggs?

In water like auther frogs

Where do frogs like to go when it is hot outside?

Frogs are amphibians. This means that they need to be somewhere nice and wet. When it is hot outside, they like to find some water, like a pond or river. If there isn't one nearby, they can hide in cool, wet spots like under your house or under the leaves in the forest. Still most frogs like to sunbathe, but need water or moist places nearby to prevent dehydration.

Where might adult frogs lay eggs?

adult frogs normally lay eggs in ponds or still water areas

Where do newts have babies?

like frogs in water and ponds

Do frogs belong to animals having loud sounds?

frogs live in water and out of water because they are just like us they breath

Does frogs live on land and in the water?

Yes, frogs are amphibious creatures. Toads on the other hand spend more time on land than frogs do, but are still amphibians.

Do frogs live in hot water?

No most frogs live in moderate watertemperatures like 10 - 20 degrees C. Most frogs will leave the water if too hot.

Do frogs drink water?

No, frogs do not drink water. Frogs absorb water through their skin.

Are frogs smart?

It depends on the species. Most, like toads and pond frogs, aren't very smart at all. But some frogs, like tree frogs and poison dart frogs, seem to be much smarter, but still not as smart as, for example, lizards or mammals.

What can frogs hear in the water?

Since frogs have holes for ears, they probably just sense vibrations, like snakes.