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Because The Bible says homosexuality is wrong, and it is a sin. nobody says that we hate gays its just we dont agree with it. but if someone is being hateful that is not the way the bible says to handle the situation.

According to the Bible you can't enter kingdom of God if you practice homosexuality.
The question is a generalization that is false. There are people that are extremely uncomfortable with the concept. The Bible says that it is an abomination. The Bible also says that it is not our part to judge others, that right is reserved for God.

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10y ago

Most gay people do not hate Christians. In fact, many gay people ARE Christians. But gay people must endure a lot of hostility and opposition from right-wing Christians, and it's challenging to love someone who opposes you.

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6y ago

Most gay people do not hate Christians. In fact, many gay people ARE Christians. But gay people must endure a lot of hostility and opposition from right-wing Christians, and it's challenging to love someone who opposes you.

Most gay people do not hate Christians. In fact, many gay people ARE Christians.

But there is animosity. Straight Christians really think they're being kind when they say they love the sinner and hate the sin. If only there were some way of making them understand that what they're calling "sin" can be a huge part of a gay person's life: this "sin" is the sin of finding love, marriage and a family, which is what straight people enjoy without consequence.

It's a simple fact that it is not easy to love someone who insults you.

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she doesn't hate 'gay' people. she loves everyone, she's a sweetheart.