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It's a way of revenge for the guy that she used to go out with or she could've liked that other guy all along!

either to make the guy jealous or because his friend proabaly has the same personality

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Q: Why do girls go after a guys friend after they dated the guy?
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Girls do like guys and she probably likes him.

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Definitely out of bounds. There is an unspoken rule between girls, I don't know about guys, for I am not one, but the rule goes as follows, which you should know by now: If you have dated a guy, and your friend likes him, it does not matter. She is not to chase him, and vice versa.

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Differs from guy to guy, however, most guys like nice girls.

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He might just want to be seen as a popular, cool guy. He doesn't want to be seen as a guy none of the girls like. He might not be ready to be with a girl and feel intimidated by them, but still don't want to loose the friendship of the guys.

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I believe that girls date more guys in high school than guys do. Guys are just happy to have a girlfriend and if their in a sexual relationship that's even better. So my answer would be 4 two they dated and 2 were girlfriends.

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That is not relevant.

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It all depends on the guy. Look at recent girls they've dated or celebrities that they like to find out :)

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if its a girl friend; amica if its a guy friend; amico if its a group of friends (masculine or a mix of girls and guys); amici if its a group of all girl friends; amiche

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Depends how you feel about him. Some guys find "tomboy" girls very sexy and would like a sexual relationship. It's not just so called "feminine" girls who are attractive to guys.

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Some girls might tell the guy. Or some might be a little shy. Most girls usually keep quite so the other girls don't go crazy and tell everyone. But some are like me and if they like the guy they will start to hang out with him. Become his friend. And then they might ask someone to tell the guy for them. Alot of the times girls don't like to tell the guys. They think they will get laughed at by the guy and his friends.

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Girls like it when guys ask them out it is the guys job to...... just like texting.... girls like it when guys text them first it makes them think you care..... its the best thing todo, try talking to her as a friend and tell them what you like in girl when girls ask out the guy first and what not..... but girls like it when guys ask first :) <3333

How do you get a guy if your in a girls school?

common places that guys and girls hang out at,