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They afraid we'll hurt the child. So instead the mom will think of putting it in the mouth, it doesn't know that it can hurt thee hamster so it ests it up.

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Q: Why do hamsters eat up their own child?
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Can hamsters eat pears?

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Why do hamsters eat the pups if dead?

After giving birth, hamsters are low on protein. If they find a dead hamter they will eat it to build up more strenght becasuse of birth. #jenna!<3

Why are hamsters awake at night?

Hamsters are nocturnal, meaning they are awake all night and sleep the whole day (maybe waking up a little here and there to eat or pee).

Do hamsters eat strawberrys?

Hamsters would probably love to eat strawberries, but it is bad for them because there is too much sugar in it.

Do hamsters give children allergies?

hamsters like children as long as they don't wake them up in the day time and they should be kept away from other animals.

Can hamsters and guinea pigs eat apples?

i dont know about hamsters, since i dont have one, but guinea pigs can have apples. some wont eat them, others love them, remember to cut up the apple and never give them the seeds or the core.

Do hamsters eat pears?

Yes. However, make sure you cut it up into small enough pieces first.

Can hamsters eat sprout leaves?

Yes. It is a good source of calcium, acts as roughage for their digestive system, and this is kind of weird, they will gnaw it up and use it for nesting material.

Do hamsters eat cheese?

i guess if you put cheese in a hamsters cage it might eat it ... but DONT cheese can block up a hamsters system my friend had a hamster and fed it cheese and he died he was a young hamster so they took the dead hamster to the vet to find out why it has died the vet saw that the cheese had blocked the system and stopped the breathing

Why do some animals eat feces?

To cover up their own scent or to remove the scent of other animals.

When will hamsters die?

Hamsters live from 3 up to 12 years.

Are teddy hamsters easier to pick up than other hamsters?

Teddy/Plush hamsters are easier to pick up than live hamsters. Live hamsters move and may bite unlike teddies that stay still. . Syrian Hamsters (sometimes called TeddyBear Hamsters at Petstores) move slower than dwarf hamsters so they usually are easier to pick up. Also, they usually are less likely to bite, but they aren't too different from dwarf hamsters.