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They don't most of the time. The females will sit still and the tail will go up when in heat.

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Q: Why do hamsters stay still in your hands?
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What do hamsters do when they are in love?

When you stroke it on its hide area the female will stay very still

Do dwarfs hamsters sleep in your hands?

Yes. Not only can dwarf hamsters sleep in your hands, other hamsters can, too. I have had a hamster, Butterscotch, and she slept in my hands, If you are very calm and quiet, sure! They'll sleep in your hands. Unless they aren't sleepy of course:)

Are teddy hamsters easier to pick up than other hamsters?

Teddy/Plush hamsters are easier to pick up than live hamsters. Live hamsters move and may bite unlike teddies that stay still. . Syrian Hamsters (sometimes called TeddyBear Hamsters at Petstores) move slower than dwarf hamsters so they usually are easier to pick up. Also, they usually are less likely to bite, but they aren't too different from dwarf hamsters.

What continent is the Volga River on?

the world of hamsters and the hamsters dug it up with there little hands

In what type on land can you find hamsters?

Hamsters were and still are found in the desert.

How long do hamsters stay pregnant?

Most hamsters are pregnant for 16-18 days.

How long can hamsters stay up?

about 9 hours

Why do hamsters nibble?

so their teeth stay short

How long can a robo hamster live and do they grow into dwarfs hamster?

Robo hamsters are robo hamsters, they can be about 2 inches long on average, and stay robo hamsters.

Can you put the male baby hamsters in a separate cage after there weaned or can they stay with the father?

they they can stay with their father

Do different types of hamster like to live in the same cage?

No teddy hamsters and dwarf hamsters cant stay together

What is a good exercise routine for hamsters?

Running on the hamster wheel, hands down