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Q: Why do hormones stimulate specific cells?
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How do circulating hormones differ from paracrines and autocrines with reference to their target cells?

Paracrines are a group of local hormones that work on nearby cells. Autocrines stimulate the same cell and circulating hormones can travel long distances to stimulate cells. Hormones only stimulate cells that have their specific receptor.

What is the produced by glands to stimulate cells or tissues into action?

Hormones are produced by glands to stimulate cells or tissues into action

What gland produces hormones that stimulate the production of T-cells?

Thymus gland

What gland produces hormones that stimulate the production T cells?

Thymus gland

Do hormones stimulate orinhibit growth?

Both. It depends on the specific hormone in question.

What do tropic hormones stimulate?

stimulate other endocrine glands to secrete hormones

Why do hormones affect some organs but not others?

Because hormones have specific hormone binding sites to act

What is the method that tropic and nontropic hormones produce response?

Tropic hormones stimulate endocrine glands to release another hormone which affects the target cells whereas non-tropic hormones act directly on the target cells.

What is the specific cells in the body to which hormones convey information?

endocrine cells

Two hormones that stimulate white blood cells production are?

interlukins, and (csf) colony stimulating factor

The hormones secreted by the thymus are called?

The gland produces thymosins, which are hormones that stimulate the development of antibodies. The thymus also produces T-lymphocytes which are white blood cells that fight infections and destroy abnormal cells.

Can hormones alter the enzyme activity in cells?

Yes. Hormones may stimulate the reversible covalent modification of an enzyme via phosphorylation or dephosphorylation and alter the activity of the molecule.