

Why do hyenas chase giraffes?

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7y ago

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Hyenas are carnivores, meat eaters. They have to find some type of animal to eat.

Hyenas aren't known to hunt giraffes. But most predators are opportunistic and may go for an unusual prey animal if a good opportunity - like coming across a sick or injured animal - would present itself.

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Q: Why do hyenas chase giraffes?
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Yes. Some of their enemies include hyenas, tigers, and cheetahs.

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Hyenas can be active at anytime of the day but are most active at night.

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Mainly to chase and catch fleet footed prey, and to flee from predators such as lions and hyenas.

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If you are talking about the Sahel of Africa: giraffes, zebu, warthogs, various gazelles, hyenas, and many lizards. There are more, but I hope this helps to get you started :)