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Children need more sleep because their bodies are developing very quickly. Therefor, they need to have the chance to give their bodies a rest as often as possible.

This of it like this,

Two people are going down a road, one walking, the other running as fast as they can. The person who is going faster would need more rest afterwards, right? Well, that's the child. :)

Hope this helped!

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Q: Why do kids need more sleep than adults?
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Who need more sleep young kids or adults?

Young Kids , Because They Are At The Learning And Growing Part Of Their Life . So They Need More Time To Fuel Up Their Energy And Develop All The Things That They Need To.

Why do teenagers need more sleep than adults?

because they are physically maturing and need more sleep.

Does every one does need the right amount of sleep?

Yes, everyone needs the right amount of sleep or your brain cannot function right. Your body can also go slower and ache more because their tired. You do need the right amount of sleep but babies are different than kids, and kids are different from adults, and adults are different from elderly people.

Do teens need more sleep than adults?


Why teens sleep more than adults?

Teens need more sleep than adults because their bodies and brains are still developing. The hormonal changes during adolescence can shift their internal body clocks, causing them to feel more tired and require more sleep. Additionally, the demands of school, social life, and extracurricular activities can contribute to increased fatigue in teens.


We sleep by closing our eyes. Sometimes we snore and we also kick everything. We need to get at least 8 hours of sleep (kids) and at least 5-10 hours of sleep (adults).

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Because their growing and their bodies need more neutrinos.

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Why do Teenagers sleep more then Adults?

Because The Younger You Are The More sleep You Need . When Your Younger Your Body Needs More Time To Fuel Up All Your Energy .

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teenagers need more calories then kids or adults because they are constantly active most of the time. they are also going through puburty which involves alot of energy.

How much sleep do you need to stay healthy?

The amount of sleep requirement is age depent. Children need more than adults. See Related Links.

Why do adults like younger kids better than the oldest?

They need more attention!