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I have a 3 moth old kitten i just adopted3 days ago and he crys alots when iom not paying him any attention. Kittens need alot of attention and lots of toys. Your kitten just may be very vocal and is his way of talking to u. Maybe he needs something ur not giving him. Best way to get proper answer is to ask your vet

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15y ago
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15y ago

If your cat meows it is either startled or stuggling to get away.

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12y ago

New born kittens cry because their only kittens like us humans we cry when were babies that's why.

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cats are social creatures. If you have one cat, you are the only way for him/her to get attention. If you have another cat, they can also interact with that.

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What is a kittens cry called?

A kitten's cry is a mew or a meow. When a kitten is crying it's generally to get the attention of the mother, letting them know they are hungry, scared, or even just want attention.

Do kittens cry a lot when its bed time?

Sometimes they will, especially if they are trying to get used to a new area.Kittens are just babies. And like human babies they will cry/meow when they are scared, hungry, confused, tired, want attention etc..

Is mom feeding kittens enough?

Mom cats will nurse every 2 hours or when babies cry. If babies don't cry after nursing, they are getting enough. If they cry after nursing, mom may not have enough milk for all kittens. Take mom and kittens to the vet.

What do you do when your cat cries after she had two kittens?

Answer: Have patience. She will calm down. She will cry if her kittens are taken away. If she doesn't have her kittens, give them back.

How do you get a hot emo boy's attention?

Cry. they will join you and cry with you. it will be like a party.

What animal wails?

When a mother cat is separated from her kittens she will have a lamenting cry. This cry will last for approximately one week.

What happens to newborn kittens if they are abandoned by their mother?

When kittens are old enough to leave their mother or pass away, the mother cat will cry and mourn her loss. The mother cat will cry for her baby for approximately one week.

Why do dogs wimp and cry and bark?

They wimp and cry when they are scared or hurt. They also wimp when they want attention. They bark when they are angry, excited, happy, and when they want attention.

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What words are repeated in the nursery rhyme The Three Little Kittens?

The repeated words in the nursery rhyme "The Three Little Kittens" are "kittens" and "lost their mittens."

Why do you cry when you sad?

We cry when we are sad because we used it as an infant to get attention, if we were sad, angry, hungry, tired etc. and it has stuck. We still cry when we are emotional.

What is the meaning of The pheasant would have lived but for its cry?

Because of its loud cry which attracted attention, it was heard so they were shot.